Tegan : morning
Finley : ello
Tegan ; wheres jonah
Riley : don't know he just messaged me at 6am saying he had to go
Tegan ; oh ok
Finley ; we tryed calling no answer
Tegan : I'll try aswell

I get my phone and i call him but nothing

Tegan : nothing
Riley : he probley fine
Tegan : if he left at 6am anything could of happend
Finley ; what do u see him
Tegan ; shut up
Riley :she likes him because hes nice sweet caring . Thinking of other before himself
Tegan : yh and hes just been there for me since pretty much day one took me under his wig . With out atcahlly knowing me and i like him for that aswell
Finley : lame
Riley : oh shut up its sweet but also sad falling for the person u know u shoudent . Because he thinks of u as a sister nothing more
Tegan ; yep sister zoned
Finley : 24/7
Riley ; ok lets leave her alone now
Tegan ; thank u
Finley : ok
Riley : right food
Finley : please

We get up going to the kitchen making breakfast and we messed around and we eat tho .

Finley ; so good
Riley :banging
Finley : but im full
Tegan : same
Riley : Finn now you've had egg please no farting save that when your home

He then farts

Tegan : fuck sake

I cover my nose

Riley : omg that stinks
Finley : good

My phone then starts ringing

Tegan ; about time u asnwer
Jonah : yh hi we need to talk
Tegan : ok is everything ok
Jonah : yh all good but can u come round
Tegan : sure I'll come in like in a bit
Jonah : can i come now
Tegan ; um...ok I'll be there in a minute
Jonah : thanks

I hang up

Tegan : i need to go jonah wants to see me
Riley : ok
Tegan : I'll see u later i guess
Finley : bye

I walk out the door and i go to jonahs

Carrie : hey
Tegan : hi
Svea : Tegan why u here
Tegan : jonah asked me here
Carrie : well hes upstairs go up
Tegan : thanks

I walk upstairs and i knock on his door

Jonah : come in

I walk in

Tegan : everything ok
Jonah : we need to talk
Tegan : im all ears

He hands me his phone

Jonah : play it

I press play and its a voicemail of earlyer when me finn and Riley were talking about how i liked him . Oh no no no no no omg

Jonah : do u like me more then a friend
Tegan : i uh...yes i do
Jonah : why me
Tegan : u took me under your wig with out knowing me your sweet and kind careing . And i can't help that fell for u
Jonah : were friends we can't be any more your like a sister and i never saw u as anything else . Nor wil i ever im sorry if it hurts u but i want to be honest . Rather then lead u on or anything because i can't bear to lose u as a friend
Tegan : no no its fine i understand u don't feel the same i never intended on u likeing me back . Its just a crush that im sure will pass in time
Jonah : ok good but please can this not change us i really don't want to lose u
Tegan : and u won't unless your like really mean and dick to me then yh u would lose me . But u don't have a mean bone in your body so were good
Jonah : ok good
Tegan : just forget about that voicemail
Jonah : i will
Tegan : good so why were u gone this morning
Jonah ; oh didn't feel well so i come home
Tegan ; should of woke me up
Jonah : nah u needed sleep
Tegan : why would i needed to sleep
Jonah : just thought u did
Tegan : ok
Jonah : wait now i know why finley was making dirty jokes because he knows

I nod my head

Tegan : yep but no more of me liking u
Jonah : ok

My phone then starts ringing

Tegan : hello
Mom : can u come home please
Tegan ; yh sure I'll leave now
Mom : ok thanks see u soon
Tegan : ok

I hang up

Tegan : jonah i need to go I'll see u soon
Jonah : ok and u will defantly
Tegan : yh and nothing will change yh
Jonah : were stay the same i promise
Tegan : good right see ya
Jonah : bye

He hugs me and i walk away going down stairs and i walk out going home .

Tegan : why are bags packed
Lena : going to Florida for a bit mom wants to clear her head
Tegan : when do we leave
Romep : few hours
Tegan : so i need to pack my bags
Lena ; yh i would start now

I go running upstairs going into my room getting my suitcase and i unpack all my stuff from LA . And i pack new stuff for Florida

Mom : good your packing
Tegan : so wheres dad staying
Mom ; i don't know and i don't care he can do what ever he wants were getting a divorce
Tegan : ok
Mom ; u can still see him
Tegan : thanks but is he really having a baby with a 26 year old
Mom : he is
Tegan : shes yonger then lena
Mom : i know but carry on packing were leaving soon
Tegan : ok

I carry on packing untill im done and u call riley

Riley : ello
Tegan : hey
Riley : what did jonah want
Tegan : he knows i like hin i got shut down so hard but i knew he didn't feel the same . And im fine with it cause i knew what the out come was
Riley : oh tigs
Tegan ; its fine but theres anyther reason i called
Riley : what
Tegan : im going to Florida for a bit don't know how long
Riley : what why is it because of jonah
Tegan : god no just seeing family back in Florida its been ages since i last saw them
Riley : good and please when u come back don't go away again you've been here 2 days .
Tegan ; i know i know
Riley : u better
Tegan : i will right talk soon
Riley : yh

I hang up and i take my stuff down stairs and i go to the kitchen making a quick snack .

Romeo : can't wait to see nan and grams
Tegan ; and our cousins mean abbys kian and then abbys boyfrined connor .
Lena ; its gonna funny all abbys dose is bully Connor
Tegan :it is
Romoe : can't wait so me and kian and play video games all night
Lena : ew video games
Tegan : agreed
Romeo : what ever
Tegan : u wonder if were see will
Lena : i hope so i miss my little bro
Romeo : im your little bro
Lena : but we haven't seen will in almost a year he refuses to see mom
Tegan : i know
Mom : come on kids let get going

We get our stuff and we go to the car and mom drives us to the airport and we get throw security . And my phone then starts ringing

Tegan : yes
Jonah : why are u leaving is it becausw of me
Tegan : no its family stuff
Jonah : is everything ok with your family
Tegan ; eh its ok
Jonah : whats happend
Tegan ; its nothing but its not u i swear
Jonah : ok good and if i did upset u just say
Tegan ; u haven't jonah
Jonah : ok good
Tegan : jonah were talk soon yh
Jonah : u better
Tegan : we will
Joanh : talk soon i guess
Tegan : yh bye

I hang up

Mom  : gates open come on

We walk to our gate getting on the plane

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