19 0 0

Skip a few weeks and now in 2019 and me and jonah moved in with each other in our own aprement

Christina : morning all
Daniel : u mean afternoon
Christina : yh
Corbyn : lazy
Christina : i know
Gabbie : i thought id be the lazy one im pregante
Tegan : i thought the boys would be they were up till 6am
Zach : hey were used to being up early
Jonah : we are
Jack : but no Christina is still lazy
Christina : I'll always be a lazy bitch
Tegan : same
Jonah : agreed
Daniel ; burn
Zach : i miss kay
Daniel ; i hate being single
Gabbie : theres someone out there for u im sure
Jack : for Daniel never

We all start laughing

Corbyn : bro that's mean
Daniel : its chill im used to it
Tegan : I'd slap him
Christina : I'll bitch slap him
Jonah : we all know daniel doesn't have a bad bone in his body
Daniel : i don't
Zach : I'll do it then

Zach then slaps jack and then they start play fighting

Gabbie : god if lav is gonna be anything like her dad god help me
Corbyn ; good luck
Tegan : yh
Christina : your gonna need it
Gabbie : i know
Jack ; heard that
Zach : same
Jonah : good
Jack : rude
Jonah : tegan u know love me
Tegan : what
Jonah : can u make me coffee
Tegan : why can't u
Jonah : cause im to lazy
Christina : don't do it
Jonah ; please u love me
Tegan : fine
Jonah : thank u

I go to the kitchen and make his coffee

Jonah : about time we got alone time
Tegan : what

He takes the cup out of my hand and pushes me aganist the counter and kisses me . And i kiss him back strigh away wrapping my arms around his neck and he lifts me up in the counter . And i wrap my legs around his wasite and he swips his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins .

Zach : omg

We quickly pull apart

Jonah ; can we not get 5 minutes

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : its ok
Zach : im sorry I'll um go

He goes and we lean our foreheads agnist each others

Tegan ; its ok were get our time soon
Jonah : we better

I get down and i walk out of the kitchen

Gabbie : can we go get ice cream or something
Jack ; thats a shot
Jonah : i know the prefect place
Christina : let's go bitchs

We walk out the door and we go to the ice cream parlour and i get chocolate ice cream .

Christina : i think im Ill
Corbyn : same
Gabbie : its probely the cold
Tegan : yh
Jack : this rocky road is so good
Zach : let me try
Jack : u got your own no
Zach : rude
Joanh : its true u have your own
Zach : what ever
Gabbie : Jack look at me

I already know what she gonna do but he looks at her and she smears ice cream over his face

Jack : what was that for
Gabbie : felt like it

Jonah then smears ice cream on me

Tegan : what the fuck
Jonah ; u looked a little hot thought u needed to cool down
Christina ; im leaving before this turns into a mess

I scoop ice cream in my hand and i wipe it on his face and bites me

Tegan : u bit me u bitch
Jonah : sorry
Tegan : rude

I get up going to the bathroom and i wash myself a bit and i walk out

Zach : were going
Tegan ; ok

We all walk out going back to mine and jonas

Jack ; I'm sticky

We all start laughing

Daniel : that sounded so wrong
Jack : it was meant to
Christina : dirty boy
Zach : mean he dose have a daddy kink
Jack : so dose jonah amd Corbyn
Corbyn : woah do i
Jack : i went live and Christina called u daddy when u were on face time
Tegan : I've never called jonah daddy
Jonah : she hasent
Gabbie : shock
Zach : it is
Tegan ; what ever time someone says call me daddy i think of my actual dad
Zach : that is
Daniel : disgusting
Tegan : that's what i mean
Jonah : lovely
Christina : by the way i don't call Corbyn daddy
Corbyn : she doesn't
Jack ; don't belive u
Christina : belive what u what
Jack : well hey i get called daddy

We all start laughing

Gabbie : shut up
Zach : i just don't have kink
Daniel : neither
Christina ; ok
Corbyn : so how are Finley and Riley
Tegan : there good
Jonah ; they called the other day and told us they had sex everyday for 3 weeks. 
Christina : ow
Daniel ; that doesn't sound heathly
Gabbie : yh at all
Zach : how
Tegan : i have no clue
Jonah ; its distgusting tho
Corbyn : Rileys down belows must hurt
Zach : red raw
Daniel : just stop
Gabbie : please do
Jonah ; ok
Jack : im hungry
Christina : let's get Chinese
Tegan : yes

We all order the chinese and my phone then starts ringing

Tegan : hello
Will : hey
Tegan : how are u
Will ; im ok
Tegan : good
Will : I'm just calling to say the weddings been canceled
Tegan : what why is it because of Lena
Will : no sara cheated on me
Tegan : oh will im so  sorry
Will : it sucks
Tegan : I'll come over to u
Will : no im coming to minnastoa im moving there
Tegan ; are u sure don't u think u and sara can fix it
Will : shes in love with this other guy not me
Tegan ; what a bitch
Will ; i thought id let u know and yh coming to minnastoa soon
Tegan : ok love u
Will ; love u too

He hangs up

Tegan : jonah i would cancel your ticket to Florida the weddings been cancelled
Jonah : what
Tegan : sara cheated and shes in love with the other guy
Jonah ; what the fuck
Zach : that's fucked up
Christina : what a bitch
Jonah ; ok then I'll cancel my fight
Tegan : good
Jack : been cheated sucks
Tegan : it dose even tho i kinda cheated

I say while look at jonah

Daniel : wait did u cheat on jonah
Tegan ; nope but before me and jonah started i had a boyfriend we went to finns party . And jonah made me play suck and blow and instead of passing me the card . He throws it and kisses me and yh thats the story how i cheated on someone i guess
Jonah : i was drunk
Jack : joanh thats so mean u made the guy probley pissed cause u kissed his girlfriend
Jonah ; i do feel bad i do but im happy i also did it cause then me and tegan woudent be dating .
Corbyn : ok 
Daniel : so hows seb
Jonah : hes good hows bossie Tyler
Daniel : oh don't more bossie
Zach : good old tyler
Daniel : hows Reese
Zach : shes good sje wants to isla
Gabbie ; islas the same shes like when can i see resse again
Jack ; she is
Zach : they need to see each other again
Jack ; they honestly do
Christina : i miss them
Corbyn : ashley misses u
Christina : ash is my queen
Corbyn ; your her queen
Gabbie : Rachel and Alex wants to see anna
Daniel ; trust me anna wants to see everyone
Jonah : same for svea and esther
Tegan : u need to plan like a massive meet up so everyone can see each other again
Corbyn ; thats a shout
Zach : it is and it should be in LA
Christina : only because u want to see kay
Zach ; yh its been ages
Gabbie : i won't be able to fly for much longer
Jack : what about we proper plan this after gabbies had the baby
Christina : we can wait
Daniel :  yh it can
Gabbie : good

The door then goes and jonah gets it and it was our food and we eat

Tegan : guys I'm going to bed
Jonah : I'll join u in a bit
Tegan : ok night guys
Corbyn : night

I go upstairs going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and i get in bed . And i go on my phone for a bit

Jonah : hey
Tegan : hi

I put my phone down and he gets in bed kisses me

Jonah : no interruptions please i beg

I let out a little laugh and i kiss putting my hands on his jaw and he pulls me on top and i kiss down his cheast .

U know what they done

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