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I wake up to my phone ringing and i grab my phone answering

Tegan : hello
Lena : tegan

I instanly sit up as i hear shes been crying

Tegan : what
Lena : can u come over
Tegan ; yh yh im coming
Lena ; thank u

I get out of bed getting dressed

Joanh : what u doing
Tegan : im seeing Lena I'll be back hopefully
Jonah : u taking the car
Tegan : no I'll walk just in cause im a while and u guys want to go out but go back to sleep .
Jonah ; will u be ok
Tegan : I'll be fine sleep

I lean down kissing him

Jonah : see u

I nod my head and i walk out going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out . The door walking to Lenas

Tegan : Lena whats wrong

She hugs me

Tegan ; Lena
Lena ; u know how ovarian and breast cancer runs in thr family
Tegan : please don't say it
Lena : i have ovarian cancer

I put my hands my face and i break down crying

Tegan ; u will make it u are the strongest person i know the person i look up to everyday . U followed your dreams when people said u won't make it now look at u . Your there
Lena ; yh
Tegan : i love u so much
Lena ; i love u too but i found i had cancer this morning and when i did i booked u an appointment.  To get cheaked
Tegan : ok
Lena ; come on I'm gonna take u
Tegan : whats going to happen with u
Lena : i start cemo as soon as possible
Tegan ; I'll go to every treatment with u
Lena ; thank u now come on

I wipe my eyes and we walk out getting in her car and we both stay quite . But the whole time i just look at her thinking i can't lose her but we get there and i sign in and we wait for a while before my name gets called. 

Women ; are u ok with a blood test
Tegan : yh im used to it

The women takes my blood and i have pelvic exam which was not confterble at all . transvaginal ultrasound

Women : ok we call u in a few days in that and now ready to get cheaked for breast cancer

I nod my head

I have an examination ultrasound scan and a x-ray  yet again didn't feel comfterble . But i need this

Women ; ok were call u in a few days try not to think about it because u will start freak yourself out . Which u don't need
Tegan : ok
Women : see u soon

I nod my head and i get up walking out

Lena ; u ok
Tegan ; i will be but u need your first treatment now i want u better
Lena : i want to be better thats why im going home for treatment be with mom . Tell her face to face and get abby cheaked
Tegan : I'll come with u
Lena : no u stay enjoy yourself and u need to be here for the test results .
Tegan ; i don't want to lose u i want to be with u
Lena : and i want u to have fun so thats what your gonna do and once your back from LA . And you've had your results back then u come back to Minnesota . No earlyer
Tegan :lena
Lena : no this is end of discussion tegan your staying
Tegan : fine but u call me everyday keep me updated on every thing and if something happens i am coming first fight home . No matter what
Lena : ok i will i promise
Tegan ; ok
Lena : right I'm gonna drop u home ok

I nod my head

Lena ; come on

We get in her car and she drives to the vila

Tegan ; u going to minnastoa now
Lena : yh I've got the things i need now most of my stuff is back in minnastoa
Tegan ; ok
Lena ; i love u and don't think of the tests
Tegan : i won't
Lena : good
Tegan : i love u too
Lena : go i need to go
Tegan : ok

I get out the car walking inside and no ones home and i walk to my room and i lay down in bed . And im just worried about Lena and how everyones going to take the news of her . Im worried and i just want to be with her . and my family i look up at the ceiling for what felt forever time was going so slow

Jonah : hey

He jumps on my bed and i sit up

Riley : why haven't u asnwerd your phone
Tegan : sorry i haven't been on it all day and its on silent
Finley : a way to make us panic
Tegan ; sorry so what u done today
Finley : we went to the walk of fame they got pitures with the stars
Tegan ; lovely
Jonah : we got food
Riley : defo an't way to much
Finley : i feel from it
Tegan ; wheres my food
Jonah : in the kitchen
Tegan : wait u atchally got me food
Riley : yh
Finley ; but i would hurry before it gets cold
Tegan : im not atchlly hungry at the minute
Jonah : ok by the way they know whats kinda happeing with us at the minute
Riley : your gonna date

I nod my head

Finely ; and we know u fucked
Tegan : oh great
Jonah : it slipped out
Tegan : its fine they'd probley found at some point
Finely : we would of
Riley : yh
Jonah : yh cause were fuck a lot
Tegan : nope don't
Jonah : ok
Riley : so what did u do today
Tegan : nothing
Finely : what do u mean nothing
Tegan : nothing
Jonah : you've been gone all day
Tegan ; just been with Lena we had a chat thats it
Riley : tell her about your new sex life
Tegan : totally
Jonah : are u ok
Tegan : im fine how are u lot
Finley : im so good but tomrrow were going for a hike
Riley : its gonna kill i heard tomrrows gonna be boiling
Jonah : work up a sweat
Finley : we all like working up a sweat

Riley slaps him

Tegan : every thing has to be dirty with u lot
Joanh : everything is dirty with us
Riley : he has a point
Finley : yh
Tegan : right guys can i sleep in tired
Riley : yh see u in the morning

They go and jonah stays

Tegan : see u in a minute
Jonah : ok

I go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and i get in bed .

Jonah : what's wrong i can tell some things up
Tegan : im fine Jonah im tired I've been up from the crack of dawn we had sex last night  .u know haven't had a good few night's of sleep
Jonah ; ok but promise your ok
Tegan : i promise
Jonah : ok

I lean up kisses him and i lay back down and we just look at each other ans he plays with my hair .

Tegan : night
Jonah : night

I turn on my side and i fall asleep instanly

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