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Tegan : morning all
Gabbie : hey
Christina : i was up before u , your lazy
Tegan ; i know
Daniel : we leave today I'm sad
Jonah ; no don't leave
Zach : we have too
Corbyn : its sad
Jack : so sad
Tegan ; I'll miss my girls
Christina : oh god same
Jonah ; u and your girls chats
Gabbie : excuse me but u boys have your chats so when u leave us girls talk . It works both ways
Jack : alright keep calm
Daniel ; she dose have a point tho we do them
Christina : yh so ha suck it
Corbyn : ok
Tegan ; oh well boys suck
Christina : agreed
Jonah ; excuse me
Tegan : u heard
Gabbie : god i love u
Tegan ; love u too
Christina : we should ditch the boys
Corbyn : uh no
Jack : never leave plus your carrying my baby
Gabbie ; were joking around
Daniel : i would laugh if they ditched u
Joanh : i woudent
Zach ; i would
Christina : were take kay aswell
Zach : fuck off

We all start laughing

Jonah : see not fun
Daniel : well thank god im single now
Gabbie ; oh shut up were messing around
Daniel : i know
Corbyn : guys we need to go
Christina : no
Corbyn : im sorry
Zach : come on
Jonah : were see each other soon
Tegan : we better
Gabbie : byeee my wifey

I let out a little laugh and we all hug

Daniel : bye
Jonah : bye

They all go

Joanh : i hate them leaving or leaving them
Tegan : i do aswell i feel sorry for u your all so close and u have to leave each other after week .
Jonah : but if i miss my friends the way i do the way u miss lena must be unbearable
Tegan ; it is but i know shes in a better place now thats all i need to think
Jonah : yh
Tegan : but anyway u will see your friends again in no time
Jonah : i know
Tegan ; but now that we have the place to ourself...
Jonah : i think i like where this is going

He trys to kiss me but i move away

Tegan ; we clean
Jonah : um...i think not
Tegan : did u think something else
Jonah : kinda
Tegan : well were cleaning so
Jonah : uhh fine

We get up ans we start cleaning around the place and i can tell joanh is annoyed and its kinda funny but i know its mean .

Tegan : jonah
Jonah : what
Tegan : don't be moody
Jonah : im not
Tegan : sure
Jonah : I'm not
Tegan : ok good
Jonah : i need to tell u something
Tegan : what
Jonah : u own me a kiss
Tegan : and whys that's
Jonah : u just do

I walk over to him kissing him

Tegan ; there we go
Jonah : much better
Tegan : good cause i don't like moody joanh
Jonah ; im not moody
Tegan : ok
Jonah : we should watch a film
Tegan :ok

We sit down on the sofa and we turn the tv on putting on clueless cause i made Jonah watch it .

Jonah : watched it way to many times
Tegan : same for harry potter
Jonah ; harry potter is amzing
Tegan : clueless is a classic
Joanh ; harry potter is better
Tegan ; no
Jonah : yes
Tegan : nope and were not fighting about it
Jonah ; then say harry potter is better the clueless
Tegan : nope
Jonah : what ever
Tegan : u don't want to admit clueless is better then harry potter
Joanh : shut up
Tegan : ok
Jonah : i don't feel well
Tegan : you've been getting so ill the past couple weeks
Jonah : i know it sucks
Tegan : do u want anything
Jonah : no i might just go for a nap
Tegan : ok
Jonah : see u in a bit
Tegan : ok
Jonah : love u
Tegan ; love u too

He kisses me befor going upstairs i get up and i walk out the door and i walk to the cemetery . And i look at lenas stone not believing its been over a month since she died .

Tegan ; i wish u were here still everything doesn't feel right and i know right now will really needs u . He needs his big sister i need u

I sit there in silence for a bit before getting up and i walking away and i go to Cafe

Women : what can i get u
Tegan : 2 coffees and 1 blueberry muffin and 1 chocolate muffin
Women : ok anything else
Tegan : thats it thank u
Women ; ok that will be 7.95

I try to find my purse but its not there

Tegan : do u have phone cantcless
Women : we do

I go to get my phone and its not there

Tegan ; i don't have my phone just leave it
Women ; ok

I walk out and im so confussed i had my phone in me at the cemetery i start walking back up there . To find out the gates locked so i can't get throw

Tegan : fuck

I walk away and last thing i rember is flying ontop of a car and landing on the floor . And people srounding me and everything goes black

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