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Riley : wake up u two
Jonah : oh what
Riley : get ready were going for a hike in 10 minutes
Tegan : ok

I kiss jonah and i get out of bed going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i put my hair up . And i walk out going to my room and i get dressed and i walk going to the kitchen and i make pop tarts but my phone starts ringing

Tegan : hello
Mom : tegan
Tegan : shes told u hasent she
Mom : she has shes my daughter and she has cancer
Tegan : she my sister and this is the worst thing in the world
Mom : she said you've been tested
Tegan : i have i got a few days till results come back
Mom : as soon as u get the results u call me
Tegan ; is abby awear
Mom : shes getting tested now
Tegan : Mom in scared im so scared i don't want to lose anyone
Mom : i don't want to lose lena u or abby no one my family is the only thing i have . I can't lose anymore your dad left me and i can't lose anyone else
Tegan : i can't either mom I'm gonna send money over and lenas gonna go private . Im giving her private treatment we can't lose her
Mom : I'll pay
Tegan : no i will ok I'll send the money over now
Mom : tegan please take care please
Tegan : u all take care we stick together
Mom ; we will
Tegan ; I'll talk later
Mom : ok

I hang up and i send money over to my mom

Tegan : fucking shit
Riley : tegans whats wrong
Tegan : nothing come on lets go

I yell and the boys come and we get in the car and we drive to the hiking areas .

Finley : fuck its hot
Jonah : it's boiling
Finely : Riley why have u been so quite today
Riley : sorry
Jonah : both the girls are quite
Tegan : yet again tired
Riley : more like keeping something
Finley : what are u on about
Riley ; nothing
Tegan : im not keeping anything
Riley :I'll pay for private treatment yh defo doesn't sound like your keeping anything
Tegan ; it's family stuff that concerns non of u so but out
Jonah : ok both of u chill out
Finley : don't fall out
Riley : we won't
Jonah : mean me and finn are finally getting along we don't need fighting
Finely : were bros
Jonah : best of bros

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : bromance it forming
Riley : it is
Finley : hell yh it is
Riley : well me and tegan are a true bromamce
Jonah ; your not dudes
Tegan : we are now
Riley : yep
Finely : woah there dudes they got dicks.
Jonah : nevee saw the dick the other night

We all start laughing

Riley : we have them now
Jonah : ok

We keep walking for ages untill we reach the top

Riley : fuck me im tired and i don't feel good
Finely ; u don't look good

She then throws up and i rub her back

Tegan ; ok throw it up
Jonah : it smells
Finley ; bye it dose

The boys walk away and i keep rubbing her back

Riley : do u have gum
Tegan : have water first and then gum

We sit on the floor for a bit

Finley : feelings better
Riley : yh i think its the sun
Jonah ; probley stay hydrated
Finley : i will
Tegan ; comr lets head down its gonna get dark soon
Riley : yh let's go

We get up and jonah pulls me into a hug but we start walking back to the car . And it took for ages as Riley kept throwing up but we do get back to the car

Jonah : we should get something to eat
Riley : i don't think i can eat
Finley : well we can so u deal with it
Joanh : lets go to a diner
Tegan ; i know a good one I'll drive
Finely : ok

We get in the car and i drive to old steam diner and we walk in ordering our food.

Riley : i atchally feel like crap
Jonah : drink more water
Riley : i am but i chuck it up an hour later
Tegan ;take it easy
Riley : i will
Tegan : im frezzing
Finley : same
Jonah : great am the only one whos ok
Finley : were burnt at as fuck we have heat stoke
Jonah ; ok then u drink plenty water

I cuddle into him

Tegan : its so cold
Finley : it is
Riley : should of brought junpers

My phone then starts ringing and i get up walking away a bit and i answer . And me and Lena talk on the phone for ages shes telling me about how everyone took the news and its just killing me not being there it hurts . I can't hug any of them but we finsh on the phone and i hang up and i wipe my eyes again walking back to the table

Jonah ; are u ok

I nod my head putting on a fake smile

Tegan : lets eat

We all eat and then we pay and then we drive back to the vila

Tegan : jonah come out side for a second
Jonah ; ok

We walk out side and i push him in the pool and start laughing

Jonah : what the hell
Tegan : its funny
Finley : sucks for u
Joanh : i have my phone on me
Tegan : oops
Jonah : for god sake

He gets out

Jonah : why me
Tegan ; u looked a little hot
Jonah : so do u
Tegan : jonah don't im cold
Jonah ; i need pay back
Tegan ; or i could pay back in anyther way
Jonah ; oh yh how
Tegan : use that imagination of yours
Jonah : i am now
Tegan : good

I take his hand and i smirk pushing him back in the pool

Jonah : tegan
Tegan : i just had to now see ya

I run inside going to my room and i wait a while before he comes in

Tegan : your wet still go away
Jonah ; no
Tegan : yes
Jonah : nope
Tegan ; ok

I get up walking over to him and i pull his shirt off and i put my hand on his jaw kissing him . And my hands travel to his belt and i undo it and he pulls my shirt off . And he pushes me down onto the bed getting on top and starts kissing my neck . And i wrap my arms around his neck and i wrap my legs around his wasite . And he starts kissing me again and i bite down on his bottom lip lightly . And i flip us over

Jonah ; wow your taking control tonight
Tegan : yh i am

I start kissing his neck making sure i leave marks and i kiss down his body .

U know what they done

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