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Layla : morning
Tegan : i rember something
Layla : what is it
Tegan : i think my name is tegan merrel cooper my dad is David cooper and my mom is stella langley . I have 3 brothers and a sister who died im not sure of there names but i think thats it . Oh and i think maybe i have a boyfrined named jonah . And im hopeing this helps
Layla ; if your name is tegan cooper u have helped and im about to look u up and the names u gave us
Tegan : ok

She goes

Come on please say I've got the right information i beg i need to know please and I wait impatiently. For what felt like ages

Layla : i can confirm u are Tegan cooper and that your perants are stell and David . Your perants are awear u are in minnastoa hospital and they are on there way now
Tegan ; really
Layla ; they are u did good rembering
Tegan : i rember having a dream and people calling out my name . And my family's name and i was just hopeing please can this be me and my family and me not making this up
Layla : well its not made up
Tegan : do u think i could go home
Layla : your well enough to go home
Tegan : good
Layla ; u did good and im happy u have remberd u to be with your family now .
Tegan : how long do u think my family will be
Layla : probely not long because by the sounds of things they've been worried about u . And i could hear the sound of relife when i said we have your daughter here
Tegan : they were worried
Layla : they were by the sounds of it
Tegan ; if u know all this do u know how old i am
Layla ; u are 20 years old your originally from Florida but 3 years ago u moved to minnastoa .
Tegan ; ok

We talk for ages until the door opens and a load of people walk in hugging me

Layla : ok so tegan rembers names but she might not recognise u she has part time memory . Lose but it is coming back but in small chunks
Tegan ; no i rember shes my mom hes my dad thats jonah will Romeo robin and curtis i rember .
Mom ; god do u know what u have caused
Will : Mayhem but we are not going into that how are u
Tegan : im ok im just happy i rember
Jonah : what exactly happened because i rember waking up from my bap u not being there . I called u nothing i called your family nothing so this week I've terrified
Tegan : i went to see lenas stone i left i went to this cafe and i lost my phone and purse  . So i went back to the cemetery and it was locked i turned around . Started walking and this car come out of no where knocking me over
Romeo : has the driver been caught
Layla : he has
Dad : whats happening with him
Layla : arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol
Jonah ; I'm gonna kill him
Tegan : no your not
Layla : im going to get some forms and then u can go

She goes and they ask all thses questions and i answer all of them but layla comes in and i sign out.  And we walk out of the hospital

Jonah : u had me dead worried
Tegan : I'm sorry
Romeo : we thought u were dead
Robin ; hey don't say that
Romeo : sorry
Dad : tegan are u ok
Tegan : mhm much better because i rember everything now i think it was seeing faces i know . That brought eveything back
Dad ; good
Mom ; right see u at home

I go with my dad in his car with robin and jonah

Jonah : god don't ever and i mean ever scare me like that again
Tegan ; i am sorry but i can't help not rembering that
Jonah : its ok
Tegan : i won't ever scare u again
Jonah : good

I lean up kissing him

Jonah : by the way im defantly drawing a penis on your cast

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : don't do that
Jonah : and why not
Tegan : because its a penis
Robin : boys
Tegan ; i know
Dad : hey
Jonah : I'm all man
Tegan ; more like a 6 year old boy in a mans body
Robin : same with your dad
Dad : robin i am 51 years old with 5 kids i am a man
Tegan ; more like an old man

We all start laughing

Dad : god you've just got back and your already cracking jokes
Tegan ; i know
Jonah ; I think it's her coping mechanism
Robin : i think it is
Tegan ; probley to be honest i don't know
Jonah : it is
Robin : so while u were in hospital what were u doing
Tegan : nothing the whole time i was trying to rember my past and then if i wasent doing that . I was talking to nurse and doctors
Jonah : u better not have flirted with any of the male staff
Tegan ; i don't think i did no i didn't
Jonah : good your mine
Dad : am i dropping u at yours mine or your moms
Tegan : can i go home
Dad : ok
Jonah ; u sure u can go come go to your mom or dads
Tegan : no home
Jonah :u sure
Tegan : yes jonah i want to go home
Jonah : ok

We keep driving and my dad drops me and jonah back and we walk in and its mess

Tegan : what happend
Jonah : it doesn't matter u sit I'll tidy
Tegan : no what happend
Jonah : when the police found your phone and purse they said they recon u ran away and that Lenas death was to much for u . And i got angry thinking u left me so i lost it and i broke everything
Tegan ; i would never leave now come on lets tidy this place up
Jonah ; u sit I'll do it i did this
Tegan ; were doing it together

I go to the kitchen getting bags and me and jonah both start cleaning around the place . And it took ages but we did it

Jonah : ok u rest now you've been throw a lot
Tegan : sit with me then

He sits down next to me

Tegan : i am sorry for scareing u and i would never leave out of the blue aleast not without an explanation.  But im happy here i have my family i have my friends i have...u the person i love most

He kisses me and i kiss him back and it was passionate i put my hand on his jaw and he swips his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins . And trys to pull my shirt up but it woudent come over my cast and we both start laughing

Tegan ; its not going to work
Jonah : i don't care we have the rest of our lifes to have sex
Tegan : yh
Jonah : tegan
Tegan : yes
Jonah : marry me

I just look at him and he looks dead serious

Jonah : tegan marry me
Tegan ; your crazy
Jonah : and i love u and i want to marry u i want to be with u until the day i die .
Tegan : your being dead serious right now
Jonah : I'm being serious...what do u say
Tegan ; I'll marry u
Jonah : really
Tegan : yes
Jonah : yes

He kisses me again

Jonah : i love u so much
Tegan ; i love u too

I take his hand

Jonah : where are we going
Tegan ; upstairs
Jonah ; ok

We get up going upstairs

Tegan : screw the cast
Jonah : are u going to tease me again
Tegan : nope

I kiss him pulling his shirt off and we manged to take mine off

I know this is a crappy ending but i hope u enjoyed

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