Lena ; god they have been fighting all night
Tegan : its stupid if dads gonna leave he should just leave
Romeo : u want him to leave
Tegan : its better then all this yelling and them hurting each other more mean there saying some hurtful stuff each other .
Romeo : right

He runs down stairs and me and lena follow and Romep pushes them apart

Romeo : stop both of u dad leave mom just let him leave because obviously doesn't love us . Because if he did he woudent leave us
Dad : i do love u
Romeo : well u don't now leave
Mom ; if he leaves then your not aloud to be round the kids ever again
Lena ; that's not up to u
Dad : i will see them
Tegan : I'm going figure this out on your own i really don't care but don't forget your the adults

I walk out the door and i go to rileys

Riley : hey
Tegan : heyo
Riley : finns on his way jonahs already here
Tegan : ok

We walk upstairs going to her room

Jonah : hey little sis
Riley : don't all you've said this morning is how much your leg hurts and knowing her she'll do it again
Jonah : ok
Tegan : she has a point
Jonah ; ok.

I sit down

Riley : I'm atchally so tired
Tegan : why
Riley : i met seth last night had fun
Jonah : whos house
Riley : mine

Me and jonah quickly get off her bed

Riley : oops
Tegan : u need to change your covers like now
Riley : to lazy
Jonah : wow of course your to lazy
Riley : yep

The door then goes and Riley goes

Jonah : she is digusting who doesn't change there covers
Tegan : i don't know its Riley she is lazy
Joanh : true dat
Tegan : dibs chair
Jonah : nah me

We both pushing each other trying to get to the chair and i win

Tegan : fight me bitch
Jonah : ok
Finley : hey

He sits down on the bed and we all start laughing

Finley : what
Jonah : nothing don't worry
Riley : yh
Jonah : right move im sitting
Tegan : nope
Joanh : yes
Finely : why are u fighting about sitting there
Jonah : cause we are

He picks me up and moves me so he sits

Tegan : Jonah move
Jonah : nope
Tegan : jonah
Joanh : no
Riley : don't be a dick
Joanh : I'm not a dick
Finley : u are
Joanh : fuck off
Tegan : jonah please
Jonah : nope...but

He pulls me onto his lap

Riley : woah kinkey
Jonah : don't get any ideas
Finley : i already have
Jonah : well don't
Finley : try not to
Tegan : oh yh where are my glasses
Riley : oh here

She passes them over to me

Finley : nerd
Tegan ; u wear glasses aswell
Finley : i look good in mine
Jonah : and she looks good in hers
Riley : she dose honestly
Finley : ok
Tegan : by the way Riley had sex last night and your sitting in the bed

He quickly shoots up and we all start laughing

Finley : why didn't u tell me
Tegan : just did
Finley : who with
Riley : seth
Finley : omg u two are kinkey shits who like doing wired things in sex and u never use condoms . So i know he pulls out and omg

We all start laughing again

Jonah : yh we know thats why we were fighting over the chair
Finley : atchlly dicks
Tegan : love u
Finley : love u too
Jonah : get a room
Finley and me : no
Riley : there faces
Jonah : i saw finns not tegans but that was funny
Tegan : was not
Jonah : u so both like each other
Riley : yh thats where your well wrong
Finley : very out
Jonah : how do u know
Riley : we just do
Jonah ; ok

I give them the evils

Finley : if looks could kill
Jonah : Tegan what am i missing
Tegan : nothing
Jonah : tell me in 5...4...3...2..1

He then starts ticking me and i fall to the ground laughing

Finley : ouch
Tegan : banter

I sit up

Jonah : Tegan tell me
Tegan : its nothing
Jonah : better not be
Finley : we should all stay here tonight
Riley : invite yourself much
Finely : yh
Riley ; ok down to stay
Tegan : sure
Jonah : ok
Riley : let's get dinner started then

We get up going down stairs and we make pizza ir stuck it in the oven more like But we eat .

Riley : im atchally tired
Finley : same
Tegan : how we gonna sleep
Riley : i don't know were sort it when we sleep
Tegan : ok
Jonah : aslong as im not on the floor im chill
Finely : same 
Riley : we're figure it out
Jonah : ok
Tegan : i want to makes cakes
Riley : that's a shout

Me and Riley get up going to the kitchen and we make cupcakes with iceing .

Riley : damn we should of made pot brownies
Jonah : no never gonna get high
Finley ; its trippy and fun
Joanh : still never
Tegan ; jonah live a little
Riley : next plus don't have pot
Finley : sucks
Jonah : u guys are bad on me
Tegan : not that bad
Jonah : u are
Tegan : jonah were not your just incent
Jonah ; your more incent virgin
Tegan : u know im not a virgin
Jonah ; ok
Riley : but jonah u are incent the only thing u do is drink
Jonah : u don't do drugs anymore exsept pot
Tegan : its still a drug
Finley : it is
Riley : oh well
Jonah : let's move on from drugs
Tegan : ok
Finley : wait are we all gonna sleep mean u fucked seth last night so no ones gonna sleep in that apart from u
Riley : spear room i guess i can sleep
Tegan : us 3 yh never gonna happen
Finley : 3 some

I slap him

Tegan ; your digusting
Jonah : one shes a sister to me 2 just never gonna happen
Finley : joking
Riley : just out but its either in with me spear or floor
Tegan : boys your on the floor
Finley : no
Jonah : u sleep on the floor
Tegan ; im the girl
Finley : wait when have u been a girl

They all start laughing and i slap him

Finley : im joking
Jonah : im having a cupcake and were just sharea the bed
Tegan ; dibs not middle
Finley : not middle
Jonah ; fuck off am i in the middle
Riley : how about top and tail
Tegan ; ok but not middle
Jonah : not middle
Finley : i said it first jonah your in middle
Jonah : oh what ever
Riley : im gonna love seeing this in the morning
Finley : no waking me up
Tegan ; yh Jonah
Jonah : sorry I'm an early person
Riley : well yh no waking us up
Jonah : ok
Riley : help yourself to any thing in the morning
Jonah : ok
Finley : and if anyone snores your out
Jonah : agreed
Tegan : im tired
Riley : let's sleep then
Tegan : ok can u get me a few things for sleeping i need to call my mom
Riley : sure

I get up walking away a bit and i call my mom

Tegan : hello
Mom : hi
Tegan : what's happening with u and dad then
Mom ; hes gone he'll call u at some point this week
Tegan : fuck sake ok are u ok
Mom ; im fine
Tegan : do u want me to come home
Mom ; no in enjoy being with your friends
Tegan : can i stay at Rileys
Mom ; of course u can
Tegan : thank u and call me if u need me im only one phone call away
Mom ; i will
Tegan : love u mom
Mom : love u too now go be with your frineds
Tegan : i will

I hang up and i walk upstairs

Riley : pjs tooth brush and use my hair brush
Tegan : thanks

I brush my hair

Tegan : night
Riley : night

I walk out going to the bathroom brushing my teeth and i get in my pjs and i walk out going to the spear room getting in bed .

Finley : no funny bussiness u two
Jonah : what the fuck bro never
Finley : sure
Jonah : never ever
Tegan : night
Jonah : no why are u making these dirty jokes about us
Tegan : i uh don't know ask him
Finely : i say it cause i know it annoys u but I'll stop
Jonah : u better
Tegan : night
Jonah : night

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