Skip a week and everyone left and jonahs been really wired this week

Riley : u ready for finns party
Tegan : just putting on mascara on
Riley : ok

I finsh up on my makeup

Tegan : done
Riley : let's go

We walk down stairs walking out the door and we walk to finns and even a block away u could hear the music .

Riley ; i see Finn

We walk over to him and we hug him

Tegan ; happy birthday
Finley : thank u
Riley : your old
Finley : shut up
Tegan : once the partys over I'll give u your present
Finely ; its fine now get a drink

We walk to the kitchen getting ourself some drinks

Riley : never knew finn had so many frineds

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : so mean
Riley : i know
Tegan : jonah said he was here like 2 hours ago i can't see him
Riley : probley drunk with a girl
Tegan ; probley
Riley : and see ya that guy is banging and I'm gonna fuck him

I let out a little laugh and she walks away

Tegan ; bye then
Millie : tegan
Tegan ; omg millie
Millie : though that was u
Tegan ; How are u
Millie : im good pretty sure im tipssey but im good
Tegan : good
Millie ; how u been its been ages
Tegan ; it has and I'm good
Millie : good
Tegan ; so what u been up to
Millie : collage its been dead
Tegan ; oh dear
Millie : its sucks
Tegan : i bet
Ryan : hey
Tegan : ryan
Ryan ; hi
Tegan : hold up are u two togtger
Millie : we are
Tegan : cute
Jonah : hey guys
Millie ; jonah its been ages
Jonah : yh

He almost trips

Tegan : take it easy
Ryan : i think someones drunk
Millie : u think hes pissed
Jonah ; i am sober
Tegan ; sober my ass drink some water
Jonah ; boring

He then spills his drink all over this girl

Jonah ; im so sorry
Girl : dick it's madison we went to school together
Jonah : sorry
Madsion : dick

She walks away and we all start laughing

Ryan ; think u pissed her off
Jonah ; nah were chill
Millie ; so are u two together
Tegan ; no got a boyfriend
Jonah : hes a fuck boy and i don't like him
Ryan : oh dead
Tegan : yh
Millie : right see u around
Tegan : catch up soon
Millie : defiantly just message me
Tegan ; will do

They walk away and i get myself anyther drink and i get jonah some water

Jonah : nah fuck off with that
Tegan : jonah drink it
Jonah : no
Tegan ; fine
Jonah : u look fit tonight
Tegan : cheers u look good aswell
Jonah : E helped me
Tegan : nice
Finley : guys Riley is necking on with my brother

We all start laughing and i look over and shes full on making out with him

Tegan ; oh shit
Jonah ; i know who if like to make out with
Finley : who
Tegan : spill beans
Jonah ; shh can't say
Mac : Finley do u have playing cards
Finley : yh why
Mac : everyone who wants to pkay suck and blow come here
Jonah : lets play
Tegan : have a boyfrined i can't
Finley ; your not atchally kissing them u have a card there
Tegan : no
Jonah : yes

He drags me into this massive circle and everyones playing suck and blow and it goes Riley jonah me finley . And a load of other people but the card starts getting passed around . And Riley passes it to jonah and jonah blows the card out of his mouth and kisses me . Putting his hands on my waste but i push him away and everyones looking at us

friends / jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now