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I wake up to my phone ringing i sit up grabbing my phone

Women : hello this is layla king from the LA hospital i have your results back
Tegan : ok
Layla : would u like to come in
Tegan : yh yh I'll be there
Layla ; thank u

I hang up

Tegan : jonah i need to go out I'll be back later
Jonah ; ok and keep your phone on this time
Tegan ; i will

I get up and i get dressed and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out the door and order an uber and wait for a bit . But it gets here and it drops me to the hospital

Man : hello can i help
Tegan : results for Tegan cooper
Man ; take a seat someone will get u in a bit

I nod my head and i sit down waiting for a while and all i could think about was the results . Am i going to have cancer my heart was racing the whole time .

Layla : miss cooper
Tegan ; yes

I get up following her to the consultant room

Layla ; so we have got your results back and u....

Skip a few hours

Jonah ; tegan whats wrong why arr u crying

I just hug him

Jonah ; come on lets go for a talk

He takes me to his room

Jonah : what is it talk to me
Tegan ; the other day Lena told me she had ovarian cancer and u know that ovarian and breast cancer . Runs in our family so that day i had loads of tests done to see if i had cancer .
Jonah ; do...u have cancer
Tegan ; no im clear

I put my hand over my face and he pulls me into a hug

Jonah : your ok u don't need to cry
Tegan : i know but today was so scarey and im so worried about Lena and her treatment
Jonah ; she'll be fine shes strong u all are
Tegan ; i know
Jonah ; next time u tell me so i can be there
Tegan : i will
Finley : guys is everything ok
Jonah : everything's fine
Tegan : were join u now

We walk out

Riley : why do u look like you've both being crying
Jonah : cause i was she scared me
Tegan : sorry
Finley : how did she scare u
Tegan : I'll exsplin later but now we should go in the pool
Riley : so down
Jonah ; not fulley clothed last night
Finley : that was funny
Jonah ; it was mean
Riley : nah it was funny
Jonah : what ever
Tegan : right see u in a sec

I walk to my room getting in my swimming customs and i walk out going to the pool .

Finley : how dose everyone feel we leave soon
Riley : its so sad
Tegan : but we've mostly had a good time
Jonah : i have defiantly
Finley : wonder why
Joanh : yh
Riley : i had mo action
Finley : hey im open to sleeping with u now
Tegan : woah
Riley ; let's go
Jonah : fuck off are u gonna sleep together
Finley : bye

they get out of the pool walking inside

Jonah : are they really about to do it
Tegan : fuck knows
Jonah : i always knew they were going to at some point
Tegan : yh same tho
Jonah : all im gonna say about god damn time
Tegan : it is
Jonah : yh
Tegan :i think from now on i need be honest because it has been hard keeping that secret .
Jonah : please be honest with me it might be hard saying your feelings but please be honest
Tegan : i need ask did u really not like Becket
Jonah : i did not like him at all theres something about him
Tegan : but then u said some stuff about finn and now your like brothers
Jonah : shut up i just didn't like Becket now im not sure if it was because he was dating u . Or i just didn't like him I'm not sure
Tegan : wow
Jonah :  i know its bad
Tegan : it is but oh well
Jonah : yh any way if were being honest i kinda slept with someone last week
Tegan : defo what i wanted to hear
Jonah : i wanted to be honest and i was annoyed u had a boyfrined and i had pretty much lost my chance with u . So i met Arabella and yh
Tegan : ok
Jonah : we still ok
Tegan : i can't be annoyed and to be honest im not annoyed im ok with it i had boyfrien
Jonah : ok good

I swim over to him and i kiss him

Tegan : i think we should get out
Jonah : yh

We get out

Tegan ; im going for a shower
Jonah : ok

I go to the bathroom turning on the shower and i have my shower i get dressed and brush my hair and i walk out .

Riley : hi
Tegan : hey u two

I stand behind Riley hugging her

Tegan : how was your fun
Finley : if had knowen how fun that would of been i would of done that ages ago

We all start laughing

Jonah : so what dose that mean for u two
Riley : i think were see
Finley : we defantly will

Me and jonah look at each other in shock

Tegan ; ok
Jonah : i would say date but i know u two won't be able to dtay loyal to each other
Riley : i can stay loyal
Finley : u know i can
Tegan : eh
Riley : do u want a bet
Jonah ; yh
Finley ; im so in
Jonah : ok
Tegan : if u guys can stay loyal to each other no sleeping with other poeple no kissing nothing . And if u can stay loyal until I've finshed on set for a new season . Of something then I'll pay for u two to go to any country in the world i pay whole thing
Jonah : jeuse
Finley ; ok
Riley : so down
Finely : how long until u start filming and u finsh
Tegan ; i start filing next month and i finsh im 3 months
Riley : so 4 5 months we have to be together
Jonah : sounds like
Finely : well if the sex is anything like today then were be together forever
Riley : i agree
Tegan ; ok

We all agree and shake on it and we all get started ok cooking dinner and we eat .

Jonah : the food is so good
Finley : it honestly is
Riley : thanks to meeeeee
Tegan : it is
Jonah ; thank u ri
Finley : thank u babe

I burst out laughing

Tegan ; oh shit
Jonah : love that
Finley ; it feels normal
Riley : it dose
Tegan ; ok
Finley : when we win thid bet where should we go
Riley : i want to go to Europe
Finely : same maybe Australia
Riley ; omg yes Australia
Jonah : down under
Finley : i know where else I'll be going down under

We all start laughing

Riley : i woudent mind that
Tegan : omg
Jonah : we are defantly going to need to cover our ears
Tegan ; i think so
Finley : most likely
Tegan ; ok
Riley : tegan what was wrong this morning

I exsplin everything from the past couple days

Riley : u should of told us
Tegan : u know im not the best when it comes to showing or telling emotions.  Its something i need to work on
Finley : u do jeuse women

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : yh but im good im going to be there for Lena and for abbys results
Jonah : good cause u all need each other
Tegan ; we do
Finely : your perants are awear that your clear
Tegan ; they know
Riley : good
Tegan : right I'm going to bed
Jonah : night

I lean down kissing him and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and i get in bed

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