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I wake up to a loud bag on the floor and i shoot up

Tegan : jonah
Joanh : sorry i tripped
Tegan : what are u doing here
Jonah : my mom called me last night telling me about lena and i caught the first flight out here .
Tegan ; ok
Jonah ; are u ok
Tegan : not really but i know in time i will be
Jonah : its hard i know i lost my grandma a while ago its horrible and difficult but its ok . It takes time but it will get better
Tegan : it will but come

He lays down next to me

Jonah : go back to sleep its early
Tegan : i am and u sleep
Jonah : i am

I turn on my side and he cuddles into me

Skip a few hours

I get out of bed going to the bathroom turning on the shower and i have my shower i get dressed and brush my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room .

Jonah : morning
Tegan ; thought i was dreaming this morning
Jonah ; u weren't im here
Tegan : i know and thank u for being here
Jonah : of course
Tegan : can we go out or go to yours or something i don't want to be here
Jonah ; yh come on get dressed and were go to mine
Tegan ; ok

I get dressed

Jonah : come on

He pulls mw into a hug and we down stairs walking out the door and we walk to his .

Carrie : hi how are u
Tegan : im ok but how are u ok
Esther : i like collage its fun i made frineds
Svea : schools boring
Jonah : school always has been tho
Tegan ; it has
Tim : don't forget i was a teacher
Esther : we know and we still hated school
Carrie : got to admit back in my time it was boring aswell
Tim ; ok
Jonah ; right were going upstairs
Carrie : ok

We walk upstairs

Jonah ; what happend yesterday
Tegan : i don't want to talk about it
Jonah ; please
Tegan : i know if i talk about it again I'll cry and go throw the pain again the way she was .
Jonah ; and its ok u need to grieve and let it out

I tell him every thing of yesterday and it killed me

Jonah ; god that must of been horrible
Tegan ; it was it still is but im ok
Jonah : ok
Tegan : how was Pennsylvania then
Jonah : it was good i had fun defantly got drunk
Tegan : smart
Jonah : i know but there coming here in 2 weeks for new years
Tegan : god I've complety forget Christmas is next week
Jonah ; i have aswell
Tegan : ok that is defantley so smart of us to forget Christmas
Jonah : it is
Tegan : so when your friends arrive is that with there girlfriends or just the boys
Jonah : and there girlfriends
Tegan ; yes finally more female company
Joanh : is Riley not good enough
Tegan : nope plus her and finely are in Australia
Jonah : still can't belive u payed for them
Tegan : i can't belive there still together
Jonah : it is a bit of a shock
Tegan : it is and they stayed loyal
Jonah ; they have like what

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : i feel bad were bitching about them
Jonah ; im sure there bitching about us
Tegan : true
Jonah : shit
Tegan : what
Jonah ; your birthday is next week
Tegan : rember i do not celebrate my birthday
Jonah : i know but im a bad boyfriend i almost forgot your birthday
Tegan : your far from a bad boyfriend i can tell u that right now u are amazing .
Joanh ; ok
Tegan : thought id let u know
Jonah : can't belive u were born on Christmas like thats got to suck
Tegan : it dose thats why i don't celebrate it now...

I lean in kissing him

Tegan : god i missed u
Jonah : i missed u too and your not leaving again
Tegan : i do not intend on leaving again not for a while a least
Jonah : good
Tegan : guess what
Jonah : what
Tegan : your gonna be 21 6 months
Jonah : I'll legally allowed to drink
Tegan : u will be
Joanh ; i can't wait to be 21
Tegan : i bet its existing
Jonah ; it is but i think my mom will worry
Tegan ; because its u
Jonah ; yh...wait

I let out a little laugh

Jonah : im ignoring that do u just wanna watch a film
Tegan : yh

He turns the tv on and he pulls me down so hes hugging me and we watch harry potter . And the amount of times I've watched i know every word to the first harry potter.

Tegan : jonah can we order food
Jonah : sure what do u want
Tegan : anything
Joanh : pizza
Tegan ; yh

We order our pizza

Jonah : so how was LA and filming
Tegan : it was good only thing i hated was making out with other people om set with loads of people watching
Jonah : yh i don't like u doing that
Tegan : i hate it more
Jonah : dout it i hate the thought of other guys touching u
Tegan ; i don't like it but all i think about is u
Jonah : good
Tegan : the trailer is out
Jonah : i need to watch this

Jonah ; ok what the fuck u know i hate scarey stuff im defo gonna shit myself
Tegan ; I'll have fun watching u watch it
Jonah : when dose it come out
Tegan : midnight
Jonah : your staying and were watching it together
Tegan : ok
Jonah : wait only if u want to
Tegan : i do
Jonah : good
Carrie : jonah your foods here
Jonah : ok

He gets up going down stairs and not long he comes back up and we eat

Jonah : second harry potter film
Tegan : i guess
Jonah : yess
Tegan ; u probely only like it because of emma Watson
Jonah : just a little of the reason
Tegan : knew it
Jonah : oh well shut up were watching it
Tegan : ok

He turns on harry potter and we watch that

Jonah  love it
Tegan : mhm
Jonah : sorry didn't mean to wake u
Tegan : its fine

I sit up yawning

Tegan ; u made me jump more then wake me up

He starts laughing

Jonah : aww sorry
Tegan : its ok i forgive u
Jonah : good
Tegan : u know i think this is the most I've never sweard
Jonah ; omg u haven't really heard u swear today what the hell
Tegan : im shocked in myself
Jonah : yh
Tegan : oh well its a good thing
Jonah ; it is

I lay back down

Jonah : do u want a change of clothes
Tegan ; yes please
Jonah : sweats and a shirt ok
Tegan ; it will be fine
Jonah : here we go then
Tegan : thanks

I get up getting in the clothes he gave me and he stands behind me moving my hair to the side . And starts kissing my neck lightly and i turn around looking at him . And i put my hand on his face kissing him and we stumble to the bed where he lays me down .

Tegan : no further
Jonah ; what why
Tegan ; because your family is here svea is 11 were not doing anything
Jonah ; ok fair enough point there
Tegan : yh though so
Joanh : its almost midnight tagged comes out
Tegan : yh

We get confterble in bed and we keep refreshing the page until tagged comes out

Jonah : i did not like watching u make out with other people
Tegan : its horrible i know hut its acting
Jonah : my little actress
Tegan ; yh
Jonah : can't wait to see what else happens
Tegan ; good
Jonah : love u
Tegan : i love u too

I cuddle into him

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