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Lena : tegan wake up
Tegan : i am

I sit up

Lena : me u will and romeo are going to the lake get ready
Tegan : are u ok
Lena ; yh now come on

I get up going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get dressed . And jonah calls

Tegan : hey
Jonah : hi how are u
Tegan : im better how are u
Jonah ; im good
Tegan : what u doing today
Jonah ; shopping
Tegan : nice
Jonah ; what u doing
Tegan ; going to lake with my siblings
Jonah : ahh ok
Tegan : yh
Jonah ; i come home tomrrow
Tegan : i can't wait its been ages
Jonah ; it has i miss u
Tegan : i miss u too but as it is your last day today make the most of it
Jonah : yh go be with your family rember i love u
Tegan ; i love u too

He hangs up and i go down stairs

Romeo : let's go
Mom : please be careful and u stay warm
Lena ; i will
Tegan : bye

We walk out the door getting in the car and the whole way to the lake we sing out lungs out.  And we have a good laugh making jokes but we finally get there

Lena ; god your wiredos
Romeo ; so are u
Will ; we all are
Tegan : we are mean like look at the jokes we said in the car
Lena : yh like What do you call a crazy computer...wired

We all start laughing

Will : that was awful
Lena : that's what i mean there awful but funny
Tegan : man who bite electric wire gets ....shocking experience
Romeo ; oh fuck off
Will ; fricking hell
Lena ; ok no more there just bad
Romeo : a boy asks his dad "dad why is my sister named paris " the dad replys because she was conceived in Paris . The boys says ahh thanks dad the dad replys your welcome backseat

We all burst out laughing

Tegan ; omg
Will ; how are u my brother
Romeo : i don't know
Lena : more like how are u my brothers
Tegan ; when a mom and dad love each other very much they deside they want to have sex . To make kids
Lena : haha shut up i know the birds and bees I've probley been doing much longer then u
Tegan : probley never lost my virginty untill i was 18
Romeo ; don't need to know this as an older brother
Will : yh same
Tegan : ok
Lena : well i lost mine age 13
Romeo : we know cause u got knocked up
Lena ; how do u know mom amd dad swore they would never say
Tegan : what i didn't know
Will ; i did
Lena : how
Romeo : when dad found i was having sex at 13 he said don't get a girl knocked up like your sister . And will was there and he said we can't tell u
Tegan : wow
Lena : so yh i got knocked up at 13 don't get pregnate
Tegan ; oh ok
Will : wait are pregnate
Tegan : god no
Romeo : good
Lena : guys I'm cold
Romeo : i packed blackests I'll be back

I move closer to her hugging her so dose will and she Lena her head on me

Will : u are cold god
Lena ; frezzing
Tegan : hopefully u will warm up
Lena : yh
Romeo : here
Lena : thank u

We wrap it around her

Lena ; when i go i don't want u to cry over me or blam yourselfs i want u to be happy keep living your life . Make the most of life cause u never know when somethings going to happen . But please don't cry over me I'll always watch u
Will : hopefully not all the time
Lena : shut up
Romeo ; were always think of u

I look away covering my face trying to stop myself from crying

Tegan : were tell curtis about u all the time
Lena : i can't belive I'm gonna miss watching mt little baby brother growing up . And all of u growing up and u all getting married
Will ; hey u will see me getting married its happening next month
Lena ; i know but I'll miss tegan romeo and curtis getting married
Tegan ; but were always have u in memories i know I'll defanly be think of u .
Lena : u better
Will : i hate this
Lena ; at my funeral i want i to play jar of heart because that is my favourite song
Tegan : please don't talk about this
Lena : we need to
Romeo : no lena not yet
Lena : ok but i love u guys
Tegan : i love u more then anything in the world
Will : me too u guys mean the world to me
Romeo : same u coudent of asked for better siblings

We all go quite and i just keep squeezing lena making sure she still knows I'm here .

Romeo : we never asked how was LA
Tegan : its was good dark stroy line but good
Will ; how dark
Tegan : dark dark
Romeo : lena...hey lena

I start shaking her

Will ; lena
Tegan : come on open your eyes lena
Romeo : no no
Will : she's gone
Tegan : no call ambulance now

I yell

Tegan : no come on u can't go now come u still have 3 months your not leaving now please .
Will : tegan shes gone we can't do anything
Tegan : shut up
Will ; its ok

He stands up coming over to me and hugs me and i hug him back

Tegan : shes gone to soon
Will : i know i know
Tegan : i don't want to belive this
Will ; i don't either im just waiting to wake up in my bed and this all being a dream .
Tegan : i am aswell
Romeo : there on there way
Will : mom and dad need to know
Romeo : i called dad and hes telling mom and there coming down

I just look at her

Romeo : u two look at me we will be ok we need to rember shes looking at us from up there right now . Shes gonna look after us
Tegan : she will

I then here sirens and medics come to us

Skip a few hours the whole journey home was dead silent no one spoke a work . I don't even know what to say its the worse feeling in the world knowing shes now gone . As soon as we all get home i go strigh to my room laying in bed . Stearing at the ceiling i feel lost now that shes gone not having a clue what to do

Robin : is it ok if i come in
Tegan ; yh come in

I sit up

Robin ; when i was 15 my little sister died she got hit by a car and died i thought that was the end of the world . But after time and processing things started to get better and it took a long time but it did . Now Eveyone copes differently i know but get the people u love most around u . And spend time with them
Tegan ; yh
Robin : just take it easy ok
Tegan : i will
Robin ; lena was brave strong and amazing
Tegan : she was and more
Robin : she was

My phone then starts ringing and i just turn it off

Curtis then grabs my hair

Tegan : ow
Robin : sorry
Tegan ; it's fine

I take curtis

Tegan : hey u
Robin : say hello

He starts yelling

Tegan ; u talking
Robin : i think he is
Tegan : hows everyone else
Robin : quite very quite but its ok they need process everything
Tegan : please can u keep an eye on dad for me
Robin ; I'll always look out for him
Tegan ; god how did he get u
Robin ; hes nice
Tegan : but old and bald

We both start laughing

Robin : he is but oh well i love him
Tegan : yh
Robin : right u get some sleep
Tegan ; ok

She goes and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and i get in bed

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