I wake up to snoring strigh in my ear i sit up slapping jonah and he moves away . I get out of bed going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going down stairs . And i turn the tv on because no one is awake and i cheak my phone

Mom : gone to work be back later x

Tegan : ok

And i have a few messages from Romeo out and lenas going back to LA so i just message Becket for ages .

Jonah : hey
Tegan : morning
Finley : i need to go
Tegan : ok see u soon
Riley : bye

He goes

Tegan : for once i was up earlyer then u
Joanh ; shock
Riley : messaging Becket i see
Tegan ; i am indded
Joanh : what dose he look like

I show them a piture

Riley : fuck me hes fit Tegan : mhm Jonah : looks like a fuck boy and so much older Tegan : hes 22 Riley : woah Tegan ; i like older people Jonah : kinda guessed u liked meTegan ; don't remind me Riley : burn Jonah : shut up Tegan : so what we doi...

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Riley : fuck me hes fit
Tegan : mhm
Jonah : looks like a fuck boy and so much older
Tegan : hes 22
Riley : woah
Tegan ; i like older people
Jonah : kinda guessed u liked me
Tegan ; don't remind me
Riley : burn
Jonah : shut up
Tegan : so what we doing today
Jonah : lets chill
Tegan ; hoping u would say that don't feel well
Riley : same tho
Jonah : is that time of the month

Me and Riley both slap him

Jonah ; why do i always end up getting slapped
Riley : u deaver it
Jonah : what ever
Tegan : so riley when u gonna get a boyfrined
Riley : when i find the right person but at the minute im happy fucking guys
Joanh : but u could have a boyfriend to fuck
Riley : nah
Tegan ; Riley
Riley : nope
Jonah ; ok just don't catch stds
Tegan : why because we all know u have stds

Me and Riley burst out laughing

Jonah : oi u shut it i do not have stds i am clean and when was the last time i fucked someone
Tegan ; i don't know haven't seen u in ages
Riley : he hasent fucked anyone in long
Jonah ; thank u
Tegan : ok
Jonah : bet you've been fucking becket
Riley : like mad dogs
Tegan : no and don't be disgusting
Riley : sorry
Jonah ; looks like Riley and finn are the only ones getting action
Riley : looks like it u guys need to live mean u got a boyfriend may aswell fuck him every chance u get . And Jonah your single and handsome so getting a girl would be easy for u male the most of life
Jonah : i don't want to just fuck
Riley : what ever
Tegan : and i don't have a boyfrined were half im still thinking about stuff with him . Because he is connors brother and he is 22
Riley : hes connors brother
Tegan : yh
Jonah : your dating your cousins boyfriends brother
Tegan : kinda yes
Riley : talk about keeping it in the family
Tegan ; says u whos thought there 2 second cousin was fit
Jonah : that is out
Riley ; shut up
Jonah ; riley u defo trying to keep it in the family
Riley : what ever
Tegan : omg guess what
Jonah : what
Tegan : u know i have anyther brother names will
Riley : yh
Tegan ; hes engaged
Jonah : aww
Tegan : and he said u guys and finn can come to the wedding
Riley : thats sweet
Jonah : but hes only 23 isent he young
Tegan : don't forget high school sweet hearts
Riley : true but yh im so down
Jonah : same
Tegan : its in 5 months so don't make plans for then
Jonah ; i won't
Riley : its in Florida
Tegan ; it is
Jonah : ok
Riley : hey if him and his finance don't work out send him my way
Tegan : don't even
Riley : im joking I'll go for Romeo mean hes more our age very fit
Jonah ; also your bestfriends brother
Riley : I'll be her sister in law
Tegan ; he has a girlfriend and i love her to bits
Joanh ; u know esther
Riley : yh
Jonah : esther and her boyfriend broke up
Tegan : omg tell her im sorry
Jonah ; i will
Tegan : aww poor E
Riley : it is
Jonah ; it is but shes ok this happend a while ago
Tegan : still sad tho
Jonah : yh
Riley : anyway lets watch a movie
Tegan ; ok

I get the remote turning on Netflix and we watch the package

Jonah : that film no Bueno i can feel the pain of his dick

We start laughing

Riley : lovely
Tegan ; so needed to know
Jonah : sorry
Riley ; i might chop your dick off
Joanh: stay away from my dick
Tegan ; not like anyone wants to go near it anyway
Jonah ; it was less then a month ago u did
Tegan : i had a crush on u i never said i wanted to fuck u
Jonah ; ok what ever
Riley : ha
Jonah : what u laughing at
Riley : don't know
Tegan : wiredo
Riley ; i know and your friends with me
Tegan ; i know
Jonah ; your both wired
Riley : your worse then wired
Jonah ; ok sure
Tegan : u are
Jonah : ok
Tegan : i want pizza
Riley : take away pizza
Tegan ; yh
Jonah : so down
Tegan : good

I go to the kitchen getting a menu for pizza and we all order pizza

Tegan : now we wait
Jonah ; yh
Riley : tegan what got u into acting
Tegan : Lena said how much she enjoyed acting and i wanted to try it out . So lenas manged to get her manger to take me on i went into acting classes .got my first role and i enjoyed it and since then I've been acting
Riley : and u probley get to meet fit people like finn amd keil
Tegan : there not fit more like losers i concern brothers
Jonah : yet u made out with keil
Tegan : its called acting shitface
Jonah : woah
Riley : love shit face
Tegan : good old stranger things
Jonah : love that show
Riley ; its amzing but we have to wait like a year for stranger things 3
Tegan : can it like honestly hurry
Jonah : agreed
Riley : i can't wait for Riverdale
Jonah : never watched it
Tegan : loser
Jonah : and u liked me
Riley : why do u keep bringing that up
Jonah : cause she liked me
Tegan : blah blah blah its in the past get over it dickwad

We all start laughing

Jonah : shut the fuck up
Tegan ; get out my house
Jonah ; u don't own it
Tegan : atchally i pay most of the bills due to my dad not working my mom doesn't get payed much .so yh i pay most of the bills
Jonah : alright
Riley : god kids calm down
Jonah : im older then u
Riley : and im more mature then

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; funniest thing I've ever heard
Jonah : same
Riley : shut up
Jonah : I'm dying
Riley : jonah I'll slap u

The door then goes and i get up and i pay for the food and we eat

Riley : banging
Jonah : so nice but so full
Riley : where is everyone
Tegan : moms working im guessing romeos staying at lis and lenas back in LA
Riley ; so your alone
Tegan ; yep but i need my space
Jonah ; we're go then
Tegan ; no
Riley ; yh its getting late i should go
Jonah : same
Tegan : ok

They go and i go upstairs going to the bathroom turning on the shower and i have my shower i get in my pjs and i walk outgoing to my room and i get in bed

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