Detective Bobby Mack

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Bobby Mack paused in the doorway of Sammy's Bar and Grill, blue eyes narrowed as he scanned the room searching for his new girlfriend, Dana Wyatt.

Catching sight of her seated at a booth in the back of the
restaurant, Bobby smiled as he approached her.

"Yo, Bobby. You're late." Dana said.

Bobby nodded and then grimaced, "Traffic was backed up from here to the Madison bridge. Sorry."

He slipped inside the green leather booth across from Dana
who eyed him doubtfully before adding sweetener to her mug of coffee.

They'd been dating for three months so their relationship
was still in the getting to know each other stage.

Dana was originally from Houston, Texas where she'd earned her degree in psychiatry .

Her office was in a modest building on Grant Drive and she mostly treated abused women.

Dana's serious expression was off putting until you got to know her warm hearted personality.

She was of medium height, attractive with clear, lightly tanned skin and wavy, black hair pulled back in a soft bun.

Dana looked at Bobby curiously while she stirred the coffee.

His red, haired boyish good looks, navy blue Lacoste sweater
and dark brown, Castle Ton Chino pants gave him a youthful,  preppy, college student

appearance and many had made the mistake of underestimating
Bobby's steel trap mind because of his looks.

However, Dana was much too shrewd to make that mistake.

They were good together and that's all that mattered to Dana right now.

After ordering lunch Bobby got right down to business.

"I've taken another look at the Hermosa file and something about it still doesn't add up."

"You're talking about Rozelle Hermosa?" Dana clarified.

Bobby nodded.

"Well, it sounded like a simple case to me." Dana shrugged. "Someone broke into her house and tried to kill her but she survived. And now she's going on with her life."

"At least that's how it looks." Bobby said,"But there are too many lose ends."

"Such as?"

"Take for instance her connection with Katrina von Hapsberg." Bobby said. "According to her biker buddies, Rozelle was the von
Hapsberg children's dance instructor. But there wasn't any proof of that."

"So maybe they were just friends." Dana said with another shrug.

"Could be." Bobby said," But I don't believe it."

"Why not?" Dana asked.

Frowning, Bobby nodded his head.

"There's just about the entire case. I mean weeks before her attack, Rozelle's house was vandalized and then on the day of her attack, Katrina was at the house."

"So maybe she went over to comfort her, and ended up staying the night." Dana said. "I mean, that's what friends do."

Thoughtfully rubbing his chin,  Bobby sighed and then nodded in agreement, "You have a point there."

"Did Katrina von Hapsberg call it in?" Dana asked.

"No. Her husband did."

Bobby squirted ketchup on his curly fries and ate one and said,

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