Chapter 8 Fire Demon?!

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I looked at my eyes curiously and walked out of the bathroom. I sat on my bed wondering about that sign I decided that I would ask my mom for her black magic book. I walked out of my room and ran down stairs and asked my mom if I can have the book, she lifted up her eyebrow. "Ok?" My mom turned to the bookshelf and took out a book that was black and had another symbol on it, it was like a star with three circles in it and squiggly lines outside of it, "thanks," I said "your most welcome" my mom smiled at me I smiled back and ran up to my room I jumped on my bed and started to read it turns out that the book was in another language!! I ran back to my mom, "mom! this book is written in another language!"" she looked confused grabbing the book out of my hand "ooooh, sorry sweetie I gave you the wrong book" she stood up and walked back to the shelf she took out another book that looked exactly the same as the book that I was holding, she gave me the book and I said "thanks again." I opened the book closed it and ran back to my room (again) and jumped on my bed (again) I opened it and started skipping the pages (sigh) Dragons, Witches, Demons, Warlords, wait hold on Demons? I have to check this out I checked the section and there were 4 different kinds of Demons, 1, The Original, this Demon is like any other Demon exept it can posses you making you hurt other people, even your loved ones..... you might even kill your family! it can also go through walls, it haunts your dreams the best dream can be your worst nightmare........ If this Demon posseses you, you must get help right away before you hurt anyone else....... "Wow" I said, I looked at the picture of the demon and it was blue with fiery red wings a green beak and red eyes I know it might not sound scary but if you actually see it in person it is gonna be your worst nightmare, I turned to the next page,2 Mystery, the whole page was blank not one word on it skipping it I turned to the next page,3 Water Demon, this demon is one with the water it can actually drown you it can give you nightmares about drowning if in really danger it will bend water and trap you in the water you will eventually drown and die........ it is not as rare as a fire demon only 1,000 were created. I turned to the next page, 4 Fire Demon I read the info, this burning Demon is very rare only 500 were created when it is their birthday the 500th time they start to die unless they can either drink the blood of a powerful mermaid or a werewolf or find their mate they will live (thoughts in my mind: that's why the Demon called me and said I will get your blood) I kept on reading the fire demon has one more talent they can turn into a human, they can also catch their enemies on fire. I closed the book and took a deep breath what am I gonna do....?

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