Chapter 14 Swimming in the Moon Pool

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She led me out of her house and we both ran to a path that led into a forest. The forest was dark but I was that desperate she finally led me to a rock "why did you take me to a rock!" I yelled "look down" she looked down and I looked down with her. There was a opening that we can both just about fit through, Rina went down first she jumped in the dark and dusty hole I jumped down the hole behind her. I slid down the sandy path and stopped with a thump on the bottom of the cave I poked my head around the cave,then I saw a staircase I headed towards the staircase all of a sudden I saw a sudden glow it was a sparkly blue glow I headed up the staircase and there it was the moon pool it sparkled like a million Saphire's it was beautiful all of sudden the moon pool glowed it wasn't the same glow it was much more brighter it was much more stronger. It's magic lured me in "AAAAH" SPLASH Rina ran up the stairs and looked at the moon pool but I was nowhere to be seen SPLASH! Rina jumped in after me. She swam fiercely out of the cave and into the ocean don't ask me how we ended up at the ocean. Anyway, Rina was looking around she saw me getting dragged away by a tentacle but this was no ordinary tentacle it was made out of water! By the time she swam to where I was, I was gone. But Rina didn't give up! She kept on swimming the entire ocean until she saw a cave she looked inside when she saw me chained up to a wall. She quickly swam inside and tried to set me free but it was no use. She then put her hand into a halt the chains froze then broke into pieces she swam close to me then grabbed my hand she started to drag me out of the cave and we made it out. She swam to the surface and made sure that I was ok...."(gasp) (pant) (pant)" I gasped for air "Ashley are you ok?" Rina asked "Vampire" I said unconsciously "Vampire? What do you mean Vampire?" Rina was so confused but she swam back underwater and started to swim back to the moon pool. When we got there Rina swam to the surface and climbed out (well tried to) but she failed she stayed in the moon pool with me "(moan)" I moaned then slowly opened my eyes "where am I?" You were unconscious I swam with you" Rina calmly let go of me. I climbed out of the moon pool and then put my hand over my tail and slowly turned it into a fist.

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