Chapter 10: Secrets

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Sorry for the late update! Wattpad was somehow not working correctly so I couldn't publish any chapters! I hope you'll enjoy the chapter though and maybe I'll publish another chapter later!

"Now then, welcome to Stage 6. Now is the time for your judgement!", the voice greeted them. "Time for our judgement? What do you mean?", Sakata asked confused.

"I shall punish you for your lies. I shall reward you for the truth. You people who are lost in my territory show me your truth.", he said.

"Ok... What should we do?", Amatsuki asked and the voice was stunned for a while.

"Never have I thought someone would just accept what I said instead of kicking me and try to get out with violence.", he sobbed making the other two look at him sweat dropping.

"I-is that so? It must have been hard for you then...", Amatsuki said awkwardly trying to console him. "Thanks, answer three questions of mine and you shall receive your price.", he said.

"First question: Memories. Tell me about your first love.", the voice said and as he said that the other two froze. "Eh? Why should we answer that?", Amatsuki asked confused.

"Just answer!", he said as Sakata laughed sheepishly. "It's not very interesting but I love someone who I forgot. They saved me when I was being... bullied and that is why I am standing here cheerfully in front of you.

I am very thankful for them even though I never saw them again after that. I wonder if I will ever find that person again...", Sakata said trailing off. "That was a beautiful story.

Now it's your turn.", the voice said to Amatsuki.

"E-eeeh? I don't really feel comfortable saying it in front of Sakata. Is it fine if I just whisper it to you?", Amatsuki asked.

"Very well. Just whisper it then.", the voice granted permission. Amatsuki went to it and whispered it. "It seems you were telling the truth. Good, then we can move on to the next question.

Question 2: Personal.", he said as some kind of slime started to come out of his mouth. "What is that?!", Amatsuki squeaked as he jumped back. "Pardon for the mess.

This will show the person you rely on.", he explained as something started to form out of the slime. It formed into the head of a two brunettes which were fusioned into one. After they saw what happened they started to scream.

Retrodot was in a bar drying the glasses right now and didn't stop when he noticed another presence. "Is something the matter, Urata-sama?", Retrodot asked without looking behind him.

"If it's about escaping I will not be able to aid you with that.", Retrodot answered as the short brunette shook his head. "No matter how much I tried I can't and now you even restricted me.", Urata smiled bitterly as he lifted his hand.

"What you are doing to Senra is unforgivable already. Stop taking other people into this!", Urata shouted as he slammed his fist into the wall.

Retrodot Just ignored him and kept drying the glasses. Urata lost his cool and was about to lunge him but Retrodot started speaking first.

"Oh, the cleaning of the white room has been finished cleaning so I would say one of you will get acquainted with it soon...", Retrodot said as Urata pulled out his knife slowly.

"Are you threatening me to put me there again?", Urata asked ready to lunge at him.

"Oh, no. It is a warning. The white room is not only for drop-outs but for players who disturb the harmony of the game as well.

But you can relax... there was someone who didn't only once break the rules but decided to keep doing it alone after the punishment level as well.

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