Chapter 18: Recorder

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I'm usually always updating only on fridays every week when I have school but after watching the new episode I was motivated to update today just because school just started and it's not that stressful yet. I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter!

Senra was already awake when Soraru decided to visit him in his room. Shima was lying his head on Senra's bed sleeping.

"Ah, it's nice to see you again. Welcome home, Soraru-san.", Senra greeted as he noticed Soraru. Soraru smiled slightly in return as he nodded. "...I'm back.", Soraru said as he sat down in the chair next to Senra. "How are you feeling?", Soraru asked as Senra just smiled in return.

"As you can see I am doing perfectly fine thanks to Mashi who took care of me until now.

I'll be fine and be back tomorrow.", Senra assured Soraru who just nodded. "Mafumafu and Sakata told me. You and Urata worked pretty hard I guess.", Soraru said.

"It's fine. I had my personal reasons in there as well this time.", Senra said as no one said anything afterwards. There was a short silence before Senra spoke again. "I have a feeling you have some questions. Go ahead and ask them.

I'll answer everything.", Senra told Soraru who widened his eyes slightly before nodding. "The files I found in your room... were all very detailed and had much information about all of us.", Soraru decided to start with that as Senra nodded.

"Retrodot told the whole group that you went into Urata's room and mine. I would have guessed it without him saying it because I noticed that the files were slightly out of place.", Senra said.

"Within those files... I saw that I almost died falling from a bridge but... why?", Soraru asked still not believing that he actually got into an accident. "... I'm sorry for not telling you the truth all this time. I am the Recorder of this District, someone who works on Retrodot's side.

I am like a monitor to this place. The reasons why the participants were chosen, each person's reasons,  thoughts, experience, results, everything.

I... can't really tell you why I accepted doing this as I was pretty much forced to...

But one thing I know is that I've always hated being part of this game.", Senra confessed as he put a hand on Shima's head. Soraru was too distracted from all the information that he forgot that Senra actually avoided his question.

"I'm pretty sure you have already guessed but this isn't the first District I was monitoring. There was in fact one more and that is District 11, the District Urata was once in.

But I guess you figured this out already as well when you snuck into his room. You must have already had suspicions if you decided to investigate Urata's room as well.

But after everything that happened here I can tell you that Urata is just an innocent streamer who wants to escape this hellhole.

It's understandable that he wants to escape even more after being betrayed by his teammates and put into the White Room that time.

He pretty much has a trauma. Soraru-san, your suspicions were correct on me the entire time. You can do whatever you want with the files and me.", Senra allowed as he just looked at Shima.

Soraru, who had been listening this whole time not saying anything, just sighed as he scratched the back of his head. Senra looked confused at Soraru who started to speak again.

"I'm not really good at this but all I really want to know now is wether you're our friend or not. If it's the former we can keep chatting like this.

If it's the latter we'll punish you a little and keep chatting afterwards.", Soraru said as Senra just looked at him wide-eyed.

"...You all are really weird.", Senra started laughing at Soraru who just smiled holding his hand out. "Let's call it a truce now and tell me when you have an answer.", Soraru said and Senra took his hand nodding. At that moment the door burst open revealing a panting Mafumafu.

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