Chapter 25: Fever

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Soraru looked at the thermometer and sighed when he saw that he had a fever.

Seriously? Why do I have to get sick now that we got two days off? I should have rested properly after I got back from the underground... Now I'm stuck with a headache.

Soraru was in his own world when he suddenly heard a knock and then a familiar high-pitched voice started shouting.

"Soraru-san! Open the door!", Mafumafu demanded as he knocked. Soraru decided to ignore him as he buried himself more into the blankets and waited for Mafumafu to go away.

Unfortunately for him Mafumafu didn't give up as he kept shouting and knocking. "Soraru-san, I know you're in there so there's no point in pretending to be out!", Mafumafu said as he somehow managed to knock even louder which caused Soraru's headache to get even worse.

So he just grumbled as he reluctantly stood up and opened the door. "Can you just shut up for a minute so I can fall asleep?", Soraru asked his voice even more hoarse than usual.

Mafumafu noticed this as he gasped. "Soraru-san.... You look terrible right now!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Soraru just rolled his eyes.

"Wow, thank you very much for the compliment. If that's all you wanted to say then please leave me alone now.

If you get sick the next day because of interacting with me now for a few seconds then I'm going to laugh at you so don't expect any sympathy from me.", Soraru said as he turned to close the door but was stopped when he felt the door being pulled with a lot of strength.

And because Soraru didn't think Mafumafu would do this his grip on the handle was weak and he let go. Mafumafu took that chance to push Soraru into the room and stepping in himself.

"Soraru-san! If you were sick you should have called me! I am going to take care of you now wether you want to or not!", Mafumafu said as he pulled Soraru to the bed and pushed him down before pulling the blanket over Soraru.

Soraru was too confused to make any protest but as soon the words sunk in he sat back up again. "You are not going to take care of me.

Do you want me to get even worse or what?", Soraru asked as he sat up again.

There's no way I'm going to tell you that I'm worried you'll get sick if you stay with me here. "How mean~ But don't you worry Soraru-san! I have this face mask here so I won't get sick!", Mafumafu assured as he pulled out a black mask with a white moustache and put it on.

"...Are you sure you want to do this?", Soraru asked still not fully convinced. "Of course I am! We took care of each other in the past when we were sick! Well... you mostly took care of me but the same can be done the other way.", Mafumafu told him as he pushed Soraru back down again.

Soraru knew that there was no use in arguing so he just sighed and nodded.

"Whatever... I'm just going to sleep so just don't disturb me...", Soraru said as he shifted and tried to get comfortable again.

Mafumafu hummed in agreement and was about to go out before he realized something and stopped. "Soraru-san, where are your keys?

I wouldn't want to disturb you by knocking all the time.", Mafumafu said. "Oh? Now you care about not disturbing me? What about all the times before where you knocked on my door and shouted at me to let you in?", Soraru asked opening his eyes to look at Mafumafu in amusement.

"That's different! You're sick now, that's why!", Mafumafu defended himself. "Right. If you say so. In case you didn't know the doors are usually unlocked until you lock them.

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