Chapter 14: The Defectors

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Here's the promised chapter! Hope you guys enjoy it~

The sound of water splashing could be heard. Soraru woke up from those sounds and slowly opened his eyes to reveal the pink-haired guy from earlier. As soon as his eyes met Nqrse's he jumped up when he understood the situation.

He grabbed the wrist of Nqrse to see that he had a bracelet as well. "Are you... defectors as well?", he asked Nqrse who widened his eyes in surprise. Before he could answer though a loud voice interrupted them as a light haired male stepped in. "Ah! Don't touch him!", Luz said as he pulled Nqrse out of Soraru's grip.

"Sorry, didn't want to steal your boyfriend.", Soraru mocked as Luz blushed. Didn't deny it.

Soraru now knew their identity, relationship and that they were defectors.

"Enough with this. Want to explain me what is going on?", Soraru asked as Luz smiled nodding. "Well, as you have probably guessed by now we are defectors as well so...

Welcome to the underground, comrade.", Luz welcomed him as he smiled. "So... you know our names already what's your name?", Luz asked.

"Soraru.", Soraru introduced himself curtly but then he noticed how Luz's smile changed into that of worry. "S-soraru, did you happen to know a person named Mafumafu?", Luz asked.

"Yeah, he's trapped in here as well. Although I think he's pretty fine.", Soraru answered as Luz stood up and walked outside.

"I'm sorry... I think I have to go out for a bit...", Luz said as he walked out. "...Is something wrong with him?", Soraru asked confused.

"Yeah, it's best to leave him alone for now. Would you follow me? I would like to exchange some information with you.", Nqrse said.

"Mafumafu, this looks good on you! You're even cuter than Little Red Riding Hood.", Luz said as he looked at the red cape the younger wore.

"Wh-why am I wearing this?", Mafumafu said as he looked at himself. "You said you liked this story so my friend, Nqrse, made you this.", Luz explained. "But I don't want to be Little Red Riding Hood! She's a girl.", Mafumafu complained.

"Don't worry, you can pull this off! Anyway, have fun with your friend. I'm going to play The Ones Within - Genome now. It's so good. You should play it sometime.", Luz said as he nodded.

"I'll do that then.", Mafumafu said giggling. The next day his friend has been found missing as Mafumafu could only cry.

His best friend consoled him and did his best to keep the albino stay cheerful.

Mafumafu stayed hopeful everyday not giving up and believing Luz would come back.

To distract himself from Luz his friend decided to go to a summer festival with him and they had a fun time. They promised each other to meet each other at their usual place again.

But the next day his friend didn't come. Mafumafu came everyday but his friend never came even once. Mafumafu wanted to believe in him as he waited there everyday for his friend and he could only hope that his friend was fine.

He never saw his friend again and he couldn't even go to him as he noticed that he never went over to his house or even saw his family.

He just knew his name and that he was his friend. But Mafumafu still waited there everyday until one day he went missing as well.

"At the moment the only people living in this underground are me, Sou and Luz.

I come from District 7 as well as Luz while Sou came from District 8. We've been here for about three years while Sou has been here for about one year I think.

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