Chapter 24: Promise

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Sorry, I had to look over it again in case I made mistakes after noticing that I didn't read it through www because I was too tired

"There are two conditions.", a man in an alpaca suit said. I'm coming back now. "One, you must never speak of this island.", alpaca said.

I promised Mafu to take care of you and you were like a mother to me as well when I lost my own parents. "Two, you must join our ranks and become Darkness.", he said to a blonde male who was kneeling down looking down as well.

That's why I'm sorry for leaving you, Nqrse.

"Ugh, nothing is happening!", Hashiyan sighed in frustration as he ruffled his hair.

"And I really thought something was going to happen too! Maybe my deduction skills are getting rusty...", Hashiyan said as he slumped on the desk tiredly. A notification popped on Eve's phone as Eve stood up. "I'm sorry but I just received a message and I have to leave now.

I'll be back next week.", Eve said as Tomohisa stopped him. "Wait, I'll drive you home. It's late already so I bet you're tired.

Hashiyan, I have to go home now as well so see you tomorrow.", Tomohisa said as Hashiyan nodded waving to the two of them.

"Thank you for your hard work! I'm going to stay here for a little longer before going home!", Hashiyan said and Tomohisa frowned before sighing and nodding knowing that he couldn't convince Hashiyan to stop now as he was stubborn when it came to things like this.

"Fine, just don't overwork yourself.", Tomohisa said. "Yes~ I'll do my best not to! See you then!", Hashiyan said and Tomohisa nodded before he and Eve exited the office.

Hashiyan saw them driving away as he sipped his coffee before turning to his computer and seeing a picture of him, Tomohisa and Amatsuki next to it. They were at a karaoke bar as each of them held microphones in their hands.

From their expressions you could see that they had a fun time and Hashiyan sighed as he remembered those times.

He knew how they were teasing Amatsuki about Kashitaro on that day but now Amatsuki was not here as he went missing and shortly after Kashitaro suffered the same fate.

"Just wait a bit longer, Amatsuki. I'll bring you and Kashitaro back.", he said determined as he sat back down and started working on his computer.

He worked for a while longer before he felt that his eyes were getting heavier and closing them crossing his arms while sitting on the chair.

Quiet footsteps could be heard as a man in a black suit with a black lion mask appeared before them. He took a syringe out and put it close against the others neck but before he could put the sleeping poison into Hashiyan he was being pulled away and thrown to the ground.

He looked up confused to see the man he remembered as Tomohisa hovering over him as he had a terrifying expression on his face.

"Oya? A black lion came to visit us! Don't worry, we will help to patch you up again!

That is... if you tell us the truth.", Hashiyan said as he lifted the mask to reveal a familiar blonde male panting from pain.

"...You are... Mafumafu-kun's friend, Kradness, right? Why are you...?"

Soraru perked up from the maps when he heard someone knocking on his door and assuming it was Mafumafu he decided to not open the door.

"Soraru has closed for today. He'll open the door tomorrow at 10 am.", Soraru shouted.

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