girls night out

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Ocellus: so what do you all wanna do friday night?

Silverstream: how about we have a slumber party at my place

Ocellus: ok then, anything else

Yona: how about friends get pizza

Ocellus: sounds good, anything else?

Silverstream: how about we see a movie

Ocellus: oh yeah, I heard great things about spiderman far from home

Silverstream: sounds good,

Yona: yona in

Smolder: yeah

Silverstream: hey smolder why havent you suggested anything

Smolder: oh I'm just still upset about what happened today

Ocellus: oh, well is there anything YOU wanna do

Smolder: well uuuuuuuh how about we.....................maybe uh.........have a............

Silverstream: have a tea party!

Smolder: uh yeah

Ocellus: *gasp* great idea! And let's have dresses, wed look sooooooooo cute

Silverstream: I know!

Smolder: yeah hehe

Ocellus: are you still upset about what happened today

Smolder: kinda

Silverstream: well maybe you'll forget all about it when we have the slumber party

Ocellus: alright what else do we wanna do?

Friday night comes and the girls are excited for their fun night out

Ocellus: alright girls, are you all ready for the best friday night ever

Smolder, silverstream, yona: yeah!

I walk into the room

Me: well have a good slumber party

Smolder: thanks thad

Me: and remember smolder, dont worry about wearing a silly dress, just be yourself.

Ocellus: alright let's go to the movies

After the movie, the girls joyfully walk out of the movie,

Smolder: wow that movie was amazing!

Silverstream: I know!

Ocellus: I especially loved mysterio

Yona: hahahahaha yona cant stop thinking about the funny moments hahahahahahahahaha

Smolder: I know! Alright let's get the pizza and head back to my place

At the hipogriff land

Ocellus: you have a very nice place silverstream

Smolder: and your lakes are fun to, I had a pretty great swim

Silverstream: yeah I know

Yona: alright, let's get tea party dress up thing started

Silverstream: I have a bunch of stuff we can use in my closet, cmon


Ocellus: wow these dresses are great

Silverstream, I know, we look so cute

Ocellus, hey yona why arent you wearing one

Yona: wasnt comfortable on yona,

Ocellus: ok

Smolder, ya know, this is actually kinda nice wearing a silly dress around you guys

Silverstream, see, your getting the hang of it now

Smolder: yeah

Ocellus: cmon let's get this tea party started!

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