the internet

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The young 6: (on the computer)

Sandbar: alright what do we wanna watch next?

Silverstream: how about a review

Sandbar: ok, and I just happened to find one on the episode uprooted

Smolder: ok, let's watch it

Reviewer :this episode revolves around the young 6, who by the way are stupid and annoying

Young 6: (eyes widen)

Gallus: what did he just say!?

Reviewer: sandbar is soooooooo bland and stupid

Sandbar: *gasp* (vomits)

Reviewer: gallus has a dumb voice

Gallus: HEY

Reviewer: smolder Is also bland

Smolder: that is not true!

Reviewer: silverstream Is an insufrable pinkie pie clone, and is dumb

Silverstream: *gasp* (flies out of room crying)

Reviewer: ocellus is a dumb fluttershy ripoff, who shouldnt exist

Ocellus: *gasp* (runs out of room crying)

Reviewer: and yona is the worst of the worst shes so stupid and annoying, I wish I can burn her and make her into meat

Yona: *gasp* (runs out of room crying)

Gallus: ok, that's it (reports video)

Me: (sees yona, Silverstream, and ocellus run into living room crying) what's wrong

Silverstream: *sniff* some jerk on the internet thought he was so cool

Ocellus: *sniff*and said we were dumb and deserved to burn

Yona: *sniff* yona dont wanna be meat!

Me: what? That's just cruel

Gallus, sandbar, and smolder: (walk into room)

Gallus: well we reported that a hole, and hopefully we wont have to worry about him anymore

Me: dont listen to what that guy has to say, your all perfect the way you are, And I will love you

Ocellus: but what if everyone else hates us

Me: oh a lot of other people really like you

Silverstream: really!

Me: yup, like I said, ignore those other jerks out there, and be happy about the people who appreciate you

Ocellus, yona, silverstream: (hug me)

me and the young 6 foreverWhere stories live. Discover now