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Me: it was very nice of you all to bring your parents over

Ocellus: yeah, I also wish we brought over my younger siblings, emerald and ruby. There soooooooo cute

Ocellus mom: oh yeah, ocellus always likes to cuddle with them when she gets the chance, and shes also good at babysitting as well

Ocellus dad: oh we forgot to mention, she also babysits and does a great job at it to. She makes a lot of money doing that

Me: that's very cute ocellus

Ocellus: oh, and that reminds me. Sometimes thad cuddles me, and  Sometimes he let's me sleep with him

Ocellus mom: really?

Ocellus dad: well thad that's pretty kind of you

Me: that's probably because you have the cutest daughter EVER

Ocellus blushed at my complement

Sandbars mom: oh yeah, sandbar use to look so cute when he was younger. I wonder what happened to him

Sandbar: mom, please dont

Silverstream mom: oh, you should have seen silverstream when she was younger she was just adorable

Yonas mom: eh, probably not as cute as baby yona, yak would always raspberry yona when yona was little

Yona: mom, please dont embarrass yona

Yonas mom: nonsense

Then yonas mom raspberries her daughter


silverstreams dad: that reminds me, we used to tickle silverstream when SHE was little

Silverstream: oh no, mom, dad, please dont

Silverstreams parents then tickled their daughter


Smolders mom: this reminds me of when we use to tickle YOU smolder, you also had the cutest little feet we've ever seen

Smolders dad: and you loved having your feet tickled, but then you changed and then stopped liking it

Smolder: eh, I dont mind

Smolders dad: really

Smolder: nah go ahead, see if I care

Smolders parents grabbed smolders ankles and tickles her feet

Smolder screamed in laughter

Ocellus mom: he gallus, we've heard you dont have parents, what happened?

Galluses eyes widened, then he flew out the room

Ocellus mom: oh no, was that to mutch

Me: it's ok, I'll talk to him

Then I walked into my room and saw the poor blue griffon crying

Me: let me guess, the orphin thing again

Gallus: *sniff* yes

I sat next to him

Me: looks it's ok, like we all said, WE are always here for you

Gallus: but I have no PARENTS to love me, I'm currently in a foster home and no parents ever gonna take In a teenager

Me: a kind Griffin like you, I'm sure someone will adopt you eventually

Gallus: oh yeah, I'm sure someone in freakin GRIFFONSTONE, home of a bunch of mean cranky griffins will adopt me

Me: you do live with me, and you have good friends to support you so things arent all bad

Gallus: ya know, you do have a good point, but I'm still sad about not having parents though

Me: dont worry about it: you still have good friends to support you, like me

Gallus: I guess your right

Gallus then hugged me

me and the young 6 foreverWhere stories live. Discover now