emerald and ruby

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Ocellus: guys, guess what!?

Me: what

Ocellus: (carries in 2 baby changelings) these are my younger siblings emerald and ruby

Silverstream: awwwwwww their adorable, can I hold one!?

ocellus: sure

Silverstream: (picks up emerald) awwwwwwww hey little guy (sits down and tickles his tummy)

Emerald: (giggles)

Ocellus: Im suppose to babysit them again, and I thought I'd bring th over here to show you guys

Me: well they're very cute ocellus

Ocellus: thanks, I love them soooooooo mutch, and I wanna be the best big sister to them

Emerald: (starts crying)

Silverstream: oh no, what did I do!?

Ocellus: no no no, it's ok (picks up emerald and burps him) it's ok now

Ruby: (looks up at yona)

Yona: awwwww baby changeling so cute

Ocellus: I know right, but I need to put them down for their nap now

Smolder: hey I have an idea (flies out of room and grabs pillows) let's make them a little fort for then to sleep in

Ocellus: ok

After building fort......

Me: looks good

Ocellus: (places emerald and ruby inside and pulls covers over them)

Smolder: very cute

Ocellus: (gets inside fort and blanket and snuggle up to them) I just cant help it, they're to cute

Ocellus, emerald, and ruby: (fall asleep)

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