moon glaciers past

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One day moon glacier and his little cuddlebug, ocellus, were suggling on the coutch watching tv

Ocellus: *snuggles up to him* your sutch a good cuddler moony

Moon glacier: y-yeah, I know

Ocellus suddenly got confused

Ocellus: are-are you ok moony

Moon glacier: oh yeah, i-im good

Ocellus: are you sure, you've been acting pretty off lately

Moon glacier: well...........*sigh*its about the truith

Ocellus: *gasp* were you cheating on me???

Moon glacier: no no, I would never do sutch a thing, you see-

We flashback to the hippogriff lands were moon glacier was underwater minding his own business when 4 female hipogriff came up to him

Hipogriff 1: hey handsome

Hippogriff 2: wanna go out with me

Hipogriff 3: no me!

Hipogriff 4: you don't deserve her, come with me moony

Moon glacier: uhhh-

The 4 started fighting as moon glacier slowly swam away

*Moon glacier narrating*

Yeah, I was seen as the most handsome, most dreamy hippogriff in the land, and the girls were all over me, they were constantly asking me out, and even fighting over me, but over time, things got mutch MUTCH worse, they became more desperate, more seductive, and more aggressive, they would even kidnap me, and threaten to kill me if I didnt exept them, that's why I never wanted a girlfriend, not till I met you celly, you were kind, caring, sweet, adorable, and wanted to know about me without being aggressive or desperate

Ocellus: wow, you sure were lucky to have gone to the school of friendship

Moon glacier: yeah, that's what's been bothering me lately, that's why im scared to even go back home, I dont wanna put up with them again, I'm scared they'll kill me *sheds a tear*

Ocellus: it's ok, I understand what your going though

Moon glacier: yeah, I don't know what I'm gonna do about this situation

Ocellus: maybe you could move

Moon glacier: you know.....your right, I am just about old enouph to live by myself, and I have had good experiences in the school of friendship, thanks celly

Ocellus: no problem moony

The 2 then locked lips

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