tickling ocellus in her sleep

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One time, I woke up in the middle of the night. I checked my phone to see what time it was, and it was like 4am. I didn't know what to do, ocellus was cuddling with me again, and she was sound asleep, but then she said this in her sleep

Ocellus: mmmmmm, I love you mr cuddly bear

When she said that, I wondered what she was dreaming about, but then I got an idea. I slowly scratched my fingers on her side as she giggled, I then began to tickle harder.

Ocellus: hahahahahaha carefull mr tickle bunny hahahahahaha I'm really ticklish

Me: the heck are you dreaming about?

I then tickled her belly

Ocellus: nohohohohohohoho stop, that's my tickle spot

Me: uhhhhh, how is this not waking you up?

I booped her on the nose to wake her up, and she did just that

Ocellus: wh-what happened

Me: nothing nothing, just go back to sleep

Ocellus: ok

Then we both went back to sleep

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