a little slumber party

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One day, me ocellus, yona, and silverstream were on the coutch watching tv

Silverstream: I never knew X men: the animated series would be so good!

Ocellus: yeah, and I love that intro

Then gwen entered the room

Gwen: th-thad?

Me: Hang on girls

I then turned to the little griffin

Me: hi gwen, what's up?

Gwen: well, my daddy said I can have a slumber party here, is that ok

Me: sure, I dont see why not

The little griffin the hugged me in exightment and thanks

Me: no problem gwen, who are you inviting anyway

Gwen: kate, gretel, pearlia, lissa, and the triplets

Me: cool

Yona: hey, can friends help with slumber party too??

Gwen: uh, sure yona

Me: awesome, let's get everything ready

*later that night gwen and the girls were in the living room*

Kate: thanks for the sleepover gwen

Gwen: no problem

*then me, ocellus, silverstream, and yona enter the room with brownies and fruit punch*

Me: Here you go girls

*we place them down in front of them as the girls took their brownies and juice*

Pearlia: man, these brownies are amazing!

Gretel: where human get brownies?

Me: crissy made them, shes a great cook

*a bit later after they finished their brownies, the girls sat on the coutch playing with they're plush toys*

Me: that's a cute panda plush you have Kate

Kate: thanks, my parents got it for me

Me: well you must have amazing parents

I said, as I booped her on the nose, kate giggled in responce

You girls also have cute plushes

Pearlia: thank you

Gwen: thaddy, can we watch a movie now?

Me: sure

I then began to search through Disney  plus

Kate: I wanna watch Aladdin

Gwen: me too, is it on there?

Me: it sure is

Gretel: yak never watched aladdin

Lissa: oh, its really good, you'll love it

I proceeded to put on the movie

After the movie...

Gretel: movie was pretty good

Gabriella: yeah, I really like it

Me: Well girls, you tired?

The griffin triplets and gretel nodded in response

Me: what about the rest of you

Kate: not really

Gwen: me neither

Yona: yak know how to get younglings to sleep

Yona then proceeded to hug pearlia against her soft fur, the little changling gave a soft moan in delight. Silverstream proceeded to cuddle lissa as SHE softly moaned in delight, as for me, I hugged kate and gwen as they both rubbed their heads against my chest, And with that, the girls slowly drifted to sleep

Silverstream: well that was easy

We then placed them all on the blowup bed next to their respected plushes and pulled the blanket over them

Me: man, arent they adorable

Ocellus: *yawns* I'm getting kinda tired too

Silverstream: same

Me: Ok, how about we ALL go to bed, you girls can snuggle with me if you want

Silverstream: sure

Then we all went to my room

The end

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