crissy and gruffin

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One day, me and crissy were on the coutch together

Crissy: you want me to get more snacks for galluses party

Me: well, if you feel like it

then gruffin gleefully enters the room

Me: oh, hi gruffin

Gruffin: hi thad, hi crissy

Crissy: oh.......uh.....h-hi

Crissy began to blush

Gruffin: you ok?

Crissy: huh, y-yeah I'm good, i-i just gotta use the bathroom

She then quickly flew upstairs

Me: what's up with her, hand on gruffin, I gotta see if shes ok

I walked upstairs and spotted crissy nervously sitting on my bed, I entered the room and sat next to her

Me: what's wrong

Crissy: *sigh* I-I-I have a crush on gruffin

Me: you do??

She nodded back

Me: I didnt know

Crissy: I find his optimism to be adorable, I love his singing voice, and hes just a fun guy overall

Me: I understand

Crissy: and I'm really nervous about expressing my feelings toward him, you promis to keep my crush a secret

Me: you know, I think I can help with your problem.....

Later that night, crissy was waiting in the living room, sitting on the coutch, then gruffin entered the room

Gruffin: so, you wanted me here crissy?

Crissy: yup

Gruffin sat next to crissy as she started to blush a little

Gruffin: what did you want me here for exactly

Crissy: oh, just to hang out and talk

Gruffin: ok then

Crissy: so, how have you been lately

Gruffin: fine

Crissy: um, hows your chorus class going

Gruffin: it's been fun, have you tried singing

Crissy: a little, but I never really got into it as mutch as you usually do

Gruffin: ok then

Crissy: but I gotta say, you have a lovely singing voice

Gruffin: thank you

Gruffin blushed a little from that comment

Gruffin: so, hows your cooking class going

Crissy: oh wonderful

Gruffin: I can tell, I've tried some of the brownies and toasted cheeses at the school carnival, they were some of the best I ever had

Crissy: oh, you mean my famous toasted cheese sandwiches with bacon bits inside them

Gruffin: YOU made them

She nodded in response

Gruffin: well I gotta say, your an excellent cook

Crissy: thanks *hmmmm I think I'm ready* by the way there's something I wanna tell you

Gruffin: what's that?

Crissy: I-I love your goofy optimism, and your lovely singing, and I just wanted to say...........

Gruffin: yeah?....

Crissy: I-I-I love you!

Gruffins eyes widened a little in shock

Gruffin: really?

Crissy: y-yeah

Gruffin: well, I gotta say ive grown feelings for you to crissy, say, how about we go out Friday night, I can plan a bunch of fun stuff for us to do

Crissy: sound good

Gruffin: I'll see you then, my love

Gruffin kissed her on the cheek and walked out of the room

Crissy: *wow, I cant belive I finally confessed my love, I cant wait to tell the others soon*

The end

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