tummy rubs

431 6 10

Me: (sits on coutch)

ocellus, silverstream, and yona: (walk into room)

Me: hey girls what's up?

Silverstream: ocellus told us about how you gave her a belly rub, and how relaxing it felt, so we were thinking of giving it a shot

Me: ok

Silverstream: (fies over to coutch and lays on her back)

Me: ya ready?

Silverstream: (nods)

Me: (places hands on her belly and gently caresses it)

Silverstream: mmmmmm that feels so good

Ocellus: I know right

Silverstream: I'm starting to get a little tired (falls asleep)

Me: your turn yona

Yona: (hops onto couch and lays on her back)

Me: (place both hands on her tummy and gently caresses it)

Yona: mmmmmmm yona like tummy rubs (falls asleep)

Ocellus: uh, can you do me now?

Me: of course

Ocellus: (lies on back on my lap)

Me: (places hand on her belly and gently caresses it)

Ocellus: this is sooooooooooooooo relaxing (yawns)

Me: I see your getting tired

Ocellus: (falls asleep)

Me: (picks ocellus, silverstream, and yona up and Carrie's them into my room, places them into my bed and pulls covers over them)

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