ocelluses nightmare

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One night me and the young 6 were hanging out in the living room

Me: so what do you all wanna do now?

Gallus: I have a scary story

Smolder: oooooooh, let me hear it

Gallus: so, I've heard there were these monsters who use to roam this apartment home, they were big red blob like creature, with orange eyes, and they roamed this apartment home for years and they use to feed on animals and other creatures

Ocellus: wh-what!

Gallus: oh yes, and its rumored that they could still be around here searching for more animals to eat!

Silverstream: oh no, that's awful

Sandbar: yeah buts it's a made up story, right

Gallus: yup, its 100% fake

Ocellus: ok, g-good

Later that night, when ocellus was sleeping, ocellus felt some grab her, it was the monsters from galluses story!

Monster 1: well boys, we caut ourselves a snack


she said as the poor changeling started to tear up a bit

Monster 1: to bad

He opened his mouth and dropped her in his mouth, ocellus then woke up yelling, witch woke me up

Me: ocellus, are you ok!

The poor little changeling started to cry, I walked over to her, and hugged her

Me: what's wrong

Ocellus: *sniff* I had a nightmare about the monsters from galluses story

Me: it's ok, it's just a silly dream, but there Is another monster who is quite harmless

Ocellus: *sniff* who?

Me: the tickle monster

I then tickled her little belly, as she started to laugh

Me: you can sleep with me if you want

Ocellus: ok

I picked her up and Carried her into my bed, but I got a stitch plush from my closer and gave it to her for extra comfort

Ocellus: thanks

She said as she cuddled the plush, I went into bed with her, wrapped  my arms around her, and we both fell asleep asleep

me and the young 6 foreverWhere stories live. Discover now