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One day, I walked into the living room and saw smolder sitting on the coutch upset, I walked over to her and sat next to her

Me: what's wrong

Smolder: my brother garble

Me: oh yeah, I forgot

Smolder: I'm kinda annoyed at him, because he never told me about all the bad stuff he did, he-he kept it secret through my entire life, and I trusted him, I'm sutch an idiot

She started crying and I hugged her

Me: yeah, I kinda find it hard to believe he was your brother, but isnt he reformed now

Smolder: I know *sniff* but I'm still annoyed

Me: well maybe you could talk to him about it

Smolder: ok


Smolder and garble enter the room

Smolder: hey thad

Me: yeah

Smolder: I talked to garble and were cool now

Garble: yeah, sorry I didn't tell you sis

Smolder: it's ok, it's all in the past now

Smolder and garble then hugged

Me: well I'm glad you two made up

me and the young 6 foreverWhere stories live. Discover now