movie night

445 4 6

Silverstream: so thad, what are we watching tonight

Me: only one of my favorite animated movies, coco

Gallus: coco? What's that

Me: you'll see, and there are some sad moments in it, so whoever of you guys go the longest without crying gets the last slice of pizza in the fridge (puts on movie)

Later on into movie.........

Silverstream: awwww that's awful  *sniff* ya know what, screw the pizza (starts crying and hugs me)

Me: (hugs her)

ocellus: oh cmon, it's not that sad (starts crying) oh who am I kidding (hugs me)

Me: (hugs her)

Gallus: psst, its gonna take a lot more than that to get me crying, ima get that pizza in no time

Later at the end of movie......

Sandbar: (starts crying and hugs yona)

Yona: *sniff* please dont make yona cry, yona really wants that pizza (starts crying)

Ocellus and silverstream: (start crying while still hugging me)

Smolder: *sniff*

Me: you to smolder?

Smolder: nah, just screw it (starts crying)

Gallus: well, looks like I win, finally! (starts crying)

The young 6: (hug me)

Me: (hug them all back) it's ok

me and the young 6 foreverWhere stories live. Discover now