gallus and silverstream forever

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One day silverstream was in my room sitting in a chair drawing a picture, while, little did the hipogriff know that gallus was hiding behind the chair with something in mind

Gallus: psst

Silverstream: huh, who's there

Gallus: it's me

Silverstream: gallus where are you

Gallus: started to slowly scratch her sides

Silverstream: *giggles* what are you doing

Gallus tickled harder

Silverstream: hehehehehehehehehehehehey stop  hahahahahaha it tickles

Gallus leaned in to the right of her head

Gallus: oh, does it

He then tickled her belly

silverstream: nohohohohohohohohohohohoh

Gallus: oh cmon, you know you love it

Silverstream: could y-you at least let me brehehebeheheheheheheath

Gallus: well ok

He stopped tickling

Silverstream: th-thanks so what was that for

Gallus: oh nothing

He flew in front of her

Gallus: just wanted to offer you this

He shows her a Hawaiian flower

Silverstream: *gasp* its beautiful

She takes it and puts it in her hair

Silverstream: thanks

She hugged him

Gallus: no problem

Silverstream: oh and I also made you something

She took the picture she drew and showed it to her

Gallus *blushes* thanks hehe

Gallus picked up silverstream claws

Gallus: so I wanted to confess something to you, I.........I................I love you

Silverstream: *blushes* yeah i-i was feeling the same way

Gallus: so I was thinking, do you wanna maybe go out to dinner, or see a movie or get an ice cream

Silverstream: all of the above

She said smiling back at him

Silverstream: And I was also thinking of going on a vacation in a month to a tropical hotel

Gallus: sounds great

He said as he kissed her right claw

Gallus: well, I'm tired

Silverstream: me to

They both went downstairs and laid on the couch with silverstream snuggling up to her new boyfriend, then the couple went to sleep

me and the young 6 foreverWhere stories live. Discover now