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One day the young 6 were chilling in the living room, then I entered the room

Me: hey guys, i wanna show you something

Sandbar: what

5 tiger cubs walked from behind his legs

Luke: h-hey

Gallus: who are those guys

Me: these our 5 white tiger I found stranded in the streets

Macy: we lost our mom in a monster attack

Silverstream: *gasp* th-thats terrible

Luke: luckily, this guy was able to take us in, and take care of us

Ocellus: well, dont you guys have a dad

Luke: oh yeah, but he divorced our mom

Ocellus: well that sucks

Me: well, you 5 can just chill with us

Macy: ok

A few hours later, me, the young 6, and the cubs were chilling in the living room, then the cubs were getting tired

Macy: *yawns*

Silverstream: you getting tired

Luke: me too, lets get some sleep

Harry: could, some of you guys maybe cuddle us while we sleep, our mom does it all the time

Silverstream: awwwww, sure cuties

Silverstream cuddled josh and Luke, and lied on the coutch, on her back

Harry cuddled up to yona

Harry: mmmmmmmm, your soooooooo comfy

Yona wrapped her arm around him

Ocellus layed on top of Ted, as Ted drifted of to sleep

Macy: hey gallus, would you cuddle me

Gallus: well........... guess it's worth a try

Gallus cuddled macy as she drifted off to sleep, then everyone else fell asleep

me and the young 6 foreverWhere stories live. Discover now