all grown down

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One day the young 6 were in the living room, waiting for me to return with a surprise

Gallus: I wonder what thad will bring back for us

Silverstream: me to

I then came in the room with a magic wand

Smolder: whoa, what's that

Me: A magic wand twilight gave me, shes letting me keap it, and I have an idea for my first spell

Sandbar: ooooooooooh, what is it

Me: well, do you mind if I age you guys down for a little while

Yona: yona dont see why not

Silverstream: yeah, cant be to bad

I then casted the spell to turn them back to 6 year olds

Silverstream: whoah, my head

Sandbar: whoa thad, your bigger than usual

Gallus: that's because we were aged down

Silverstream: awwwww, look how cute we all look

I sat down beside them, and picked up sandbar baby style

Sandbar: wh-what are you doing

I then rubbed my face onto his

Sandbar: hey, careful there

I put him down, then started petting gallus

Gallus: ooh, that feels good

I whent over to yona and rubbed her belly as she moaned in delight

Ocellus: hey, can you do me

Silverstream: oh, dont forget me

Me: dont worry, I'll get to you to after smolder

Smolder: huh

I stroked the back of smolders head as she moaned in delight, I then rubbed silverstream belly, then the rubbing turned into slight scratches

Silverstream: hehehehehehehehehehehehey

I then tickled ocellus sides and belly


Me: you guys are adorable

Silverstream: thanks

I sat on the coutch then the young 6 cuddled up to me, with ocellus in my arms baby style, yona on my right leg, smolder leaning on my left side sandbar on my ankle, silverstream in my left leg witch was crossed, ang gallus leaning on my right side

Gallus: you know, being aged down wasnt to bad, I wanna stay like this for the rest of the say

Ocellus: me to

Me: ok guys

All young 6: we love you thad

me and the young 6 foreverWhere stories live. Discover now