cuddle time

770 11 18

One night ocellus had a nightmare and yelled awake, then I woke up and asked her what's wrong

ocellus: oh I just had a nightmare

Me: ya know if your scared you can always sleep with me

Ocellus: oh that's fine its just a nightmare

Me: oh ok

But ocellus thought about it for a second

Ocellus: as a matter of fact, I think I'll sleep with you, just incase

Me: ok then

I open the blanket, and the little changeling hopped inside. I closed the blanket then wrapped my arms around her

Ocellus: mmmmm this feels so good

Me: goodnight

Next morning at the friendship school

Gallus: ugh, I slept terribly last night

Smolder: tell me about it

Sandbar: that's because we have to sleep on the floor

Silverstream: and thad doesent have that many pillows or blankets to use, ugh

Ocellus: oh, I slept great

Sandbar: huh, never knew you liked the floor so mutch ocellus

Ocellus: no, thad let me sleep with him in his bed

Gallus: really!?

Silverstream: how was it!?

Ocellus: oh it was great, it felt soooooooo comfortable when I was in his arms sleeping with him, I cant wait to do it again tonight

Smolder: how did you get him to do it?

Ocellus: oh I just told him I had a nightmare, then he offered me to sleep with him

Silverstream: maybe I should try that

Later that night, as I was getting ready for bed

Ocellus: uh, thad

Me: yeah

Ocellus: uh, so I really like sleeping with you last night

Me: ok

Ocellus: So uh I was thinking....

Me: you wanna sleep with me again?

Ocellus: how did you know

Me: I knew you would like it, and I was very comfortable with it to, you can sleep with me anytime you want

The cute little changeling hugged me, then I hugged her back and went to bed with her in my arms

Silverstream: hey uh, can I sleep with you?

Me: sure thing

I opened the blanket then silverstream flew I. And snuggled up to me

Silverstream: this feels great

Yona: can yona join to

Me: sure thing

She smiled and hopped under the blanket and snuggled up to me on my right

Yona: hmmmmmm yona feel so comfy right now

I wrapped my right arm around the cute little yak

Smolder: hey, can me, sandbar, and gallus, join to?

Me: of course

The 3 then went into the blanket, smolder snuggled on top of me, sandbar snuggled up to yona, and gallus snuggled up to silverstream

Me: everyone comfortable

Smolder: you bet

Me: well good night everyone.

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