yona and sandbar

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Yona, sandbar: (sit at dinning room table)

Me: (walks in) hey guys

Sandbar: hey

Me: why are you guys sitting around

Sandbar: were suppose to be on a date, but we dont know what to do

Me: well................you could............watch a movie together

Sandbar: uh, ok

Me: you could camp out in the living room while you do that

Yona: yeah!

Later that night..........

Yona and sandbar: (in pull out bed)

Sandbar: so uhhh what do you wanna watch?

Yona: yona dont know

Sandbar: well, let's just see what they have in Netflix (searches through Netflix) how about lilo and stitch

Yona: sure

Sandbar: (puts on movie)

After the movie...............

Sandbar: well that was nice

Yona: yeah

Sandbar: *yawn* well I'm getting tired now so im going to sleep

Yona: ok

Sandbar: (snuggles up to yona and falls asleep)

Yona: (looks down at sandbar and smiles) aw, goodnight sandbar (wraps arms around sandbar and falls asleep)

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