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One day, me, yona, silverstream, ocellus, smolder, and gallus were in the living room waiting for sandbar to come back with a guest

Ocellus: gee, sandbar sure is taking his time

Gallus: I know

The sandbar entered the room

Smolder: wait, didnt you say you were bringing someone

Sandbar: oh yeah, george?

George slowly entered the room

Silverstream: oh hey little guy

George: h-hey

Sandbar: it's ok, they're nice

George: *gulp*

He slowly got up on the coutch next to ocellus, he then looked up at the changling

George: i-im g-George

Ocellus: hey george, I'm ocellus, nice to meet you

George: y-yeah

Ocellus: it's ok, dont be so nervous, I wanna be your friend

Yona: yak wanna be pony friend too

George: ok then

Silverstream: so tell us some of your interest

George: well, I like drawing, superheros

Smolder: oh, you like superheros too?

George: yeah

Ocellus: and I also have a boyfriend who's into drawing

George: cool, I'm kinda liking you guys a little

Yona: yona like george too

Yona then hugged him

Sandbar: see, these guys ain't to bad

George: your kinda right

The others proceeded to hug him

me and the young 6 foreverWhere stories live. Discover now