the youngER 6

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One day me and the young 6 were hanging on the coutch, the george came in with some exciting

Sandbar: oh hey george, wats up

George: I've made new friends

Silverstream: *gasp* that's awsome, can I meet them!?

Crutchy then entered the room

Crutchy: Yona

Yona: crutchy, hows little cousin doing

Crutchy: crutchy doing well

Then moon glacier, and ness entered with their younger siblings, lissa, and nicky

Nicky: sup

Lissa: hey

Then pearlia, ocelluses younger cousin entered

Pearlia: *gasps* ocellus!

She flew up to ocellus, pinning her to the coutch

Ocellus: hey pearlia

George: wait, weres gwen

Me: gwen?

George: yeah, shes very shy, shes probably upstairs

Me: I think we should go check on her

George: ok

So me and george went upstairs to check on gwen, when we entered the room, we saw her sitting on my bed, when she saw us, she backed up a little

Me: no no no nono, it's ok, I wont hurt you

I sat next to her, as she started to sweat in fear

Me: what's wrong

Gwen: I-I-I-I miss my big sister gabby

Then the poor little griffin started to cry

Me: why, what happened

Gwen: *sniff* my daddy says I have to learn to he away from her, but it's been so hard

She continued crying, then I hugged the poor little griffon

Me: shhhhh, it's ok, I wont hurt you, let's just go down and meet everyone

We all ho back downstairs, while she was still in my arms baby style, one we got down their I sat next to silverstream, silverstream then looked down at gwen

Silverstream: hey there!

Gwen pressed her head against my chest in fear

Silverstream: oh no, I'm so sorry

Me: it's ok, shes just shy and misses her sister

Silverstream: awwwwww,

Ocellus: it's ok.....uh....what's your name

Gwen: g-gwen

Ocellus: it's ok gwen, I was shy at first coming into the school of friendship, but I had supporting friends

Silverstream: yeah, maybe we can support you, and act like your sister

Gwen: well...........I guess, yeah

Silverstream: awsome, now, what did you like doing with your sister...

The end

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