Chapter 7: Forbidden Vinyl

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Cyrus POV:

When the day finally came to lunch, I immediately spotted TJ sat alone at a bench in the cafeteria. I bit my lip in thought, he looks really...down, something twisted in my stomach as I watched his sad eyes flick up to look at me, a faint smile present on his face. My thoughts were a mess, Buffy would be so angry with me and I'm talking world war angry, Andi and Jonah wouldn't be too happy either like at all. Marty probably wouldn't mind. Actually.....why do I care what they think? I'm my own person, I can think whatever I damn please without judgement from anyone else. I can't believe I always factor them into my decisions, no longer. Taking a deep breath, I walked straight up to him, pulling anxiously at the straps of my bag. The whole cafeteria was looking at me as if I was a lamb to the slaughter. Some were even whispering to me to let him be. Each step I took was becoming more and more hesitant but I got there.

'Hello.' I greeted him, suddenly realising that he had a huge bruise across his face. I began to just stare at it.

'Hey.' He replied awkwardly, noticing my staring.

I suddenly realised what I was doing and asked, 'can I sit?'

He nodded and gestured to the seat in front of him on the other side of the bench.

After putting my bag down, I decided to address the obvious mark, 'What happened to your face?'

TJ evidently tensed up and avoided my eyes, 'It's fine.....I'd just rather not talk about it.'

I nodded, trying to tear my gaze from it and accept his request to drop it, 'Do you...have any lunch?'

He shrugged, 'no.'

I realised quickly that it's much easier talking to this guy on text than in real life, it was so easy yesterday by the swings...maybe that's just it. 'So...what are you doing after school?'

He looked like he'd perked up a bit at my words, 'Not sure, why what were you thinking?'

I smiled, 'I think you know-'

'Cyrus!' I heard the recognisable voice of a certain overprotective best friend along with many many footsteps.

Refusing to turn around, I just kept looking at TJ, 'Hey Buffy!'

She stopped a few metres away, almost like she was so repulsed by TJ that she didn't want to come any closer, 'What are you doing?'

I turned around guiltily and she crossed her arms, 'I was uhhh just talking to TJ.' There's no point in lying.

She smiled patronisingly, 'I can see that!' Looking at TJ she said smugly, 'And I've just found out from coach that I'm going to be on the basketball team!' Finally walking closer, she went over to TJ until their faces were centimetres apart, 'Too bad the Captain doesn't look so good now.' I fought the urge to say anything as TJ raised his head.

'Too bad the new shooting guard never looked good.' He smirked.

Buffy blinked in annoyance, 'I'm not the one sat alone in the cafeteria TJ, I actually have friends.' She turned around to leave as well as all my other friends who were there. 'Cyrus?' She called but I shook my head.

'I'm going to stay here today,'

Buffy nodded and went to leave again with Andi and Jonah but noticed Marty's hesitant look, 'Marty?'

He looked at her and then at me, 'Buffy...I think I'm going to sit with TJ and Cyrus today.'

Buffy nodded again, clearly hurt, and this time really did leave.

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