Chapter 28: Whatever you say

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Watch out, no context because I'm a bitch (like the one in the photo who goes by the name of Kira) a sad chapter for a sad first day at school for me today :(

Cyrus POV:

I was really glad that TJ had finally come around and decided to go to the police station and accept the help they had offered. Promising I would be by his side every step of the way, he was going to his first appointment today So was missing school. Carrying my book bag on my shoulder like I usually do, I swapped my books for ones in my locker. I was about to close it when it suddenly slammed shut causing me to jump. A familiar, sly smirk was present on the face of the high looking boy leaning against the locker next door.

'Hey Cyyyyruuuuusss,' He slurred, laughing for no reason afterwards. I used to get nervous about people like this but it was actually really funny to watch.

I tried to contain my amusement, 'Hey Reed, did you need something?'

He thought for a second as if he had forgotten the purpose of bothering me, 'Uhhhhhhh,' he flicked his forehead a few times before pointing at me, 'Yessss! Where's TJ?'

My mind raced through the millions of excuses I could give for his absence, I'm not sure TJ would appreciate me telling his friends about this whole thing. 'He's off sick today,' Yes, I went with the basics ok.

Reed raised an eyebrow, 'I thought he was skyyyvinggg,'

I shook my head, 'I think you should or you'll get caught being high on school property,'

Holding a hand to his heart, he pretended to be offended, 'High? Me? Nahhhhhh,' laughing at nothing again he sighed, 'Ok maybe a teeeeeny tiiiiiny bit,' he stood there starting to proper uncontrollably laugh causing us to get many confused looks.

'Reed?' And adult's voice sounded accompanied by hurried footsteps.

Reed mouthed Oh, coughing and putting his hands behind his back, 'Heyyyyy Met Met Me Me Me Me Metcalf,'

Metcalf turned to me, 'Is he High?'

I shrugged

'I am not good sir! I would never dream of such things as I'm an honorary member of the no fun club and you are captain!' He laughed to himself as he made no sense.

Grabbing his arm, Metcalf dragged a hyper Reed down the corridor as he struggled to walk straight, 'Oi! See ya later Cy!'

Someone appeared at my side, smiling as always, 'What's up with him?'

I was about to reply until I recognised that voice. Jonah. I remembered everything he did, everything he said, what he did to TJ. I haven't spoken to him since we fought at The Spoon after the argument with TJ. He came to Bex and Bowie's wedding but we didn't speak and I've seen him around but I've avoided him as best as I could.

My mood instantly dropped as my smile faded. 'Why should you know?' I said coldly. I don't usually speak to anyone that way but I couldn't bear to think about how he hurt TJ. My TJ.

His smile also faded into a frown, ''re right, I'm sorry,' I expected him to walk off but he just stayed stood there looking at me, ' are you?'

I rolled my eyes, 'Jonah, just shut up,'

'Cy I'm just trying to be-'

'No!' I yelled, 'you don't get to speak! You don't get to say anything to me! You don't get to call me Cy anymore Jonah just Get. Out,' I span around, stomping back to the cafeteria where I would sit with Andi, Buffy and Marty. My true friends.

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