Chapter 10: There is nothing wrong with you

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TJ in the Jefferson boys' basketball team hoodie and Buffy


Cyrus' mom dropped me back home after my sleepover with him. It was actually really fun! I enjoyed spending some more time with him. I was most definitely not excited to go home though, not at all. As soon as I opened the door, I could sense the thick layer of anger that was drowning the atmosphere. It usually does, just not as heavily. When I shut the door, I quickly went up the stairs to my room without being followed. My parents must be at work since were scarce for money. Amber however...

'Where the hell were you?' Speak of the devil, she hammered on the door causing me to jump.

I huffed, unlocking the door and pulling it wide open to face the demon I'm related to, 'Why should you know?' Anger rose in my throat, 'You don't even care!'

She stepped forward, 'Yes I do! You're my little brother!'

'Shame isn't it?' I spat, shaking my head at her pathetic answer.

'Look at your goddamn phone! I sent you so many messages asking you if you're ok!' She argued, pointing to the device located in my pocket.

I opened it to find the many texts she had sent about my whereabouts, 'Great, left me on hardly any battery.'

'You May think I'm some sort of monster but surprise! I'm not, I care about you and I wanted to know that you were fine-'

'Do I look fine?' I said bluntly


I shrugged, 'Do I look fine to you? Do you actually think I'm anything near ok?'


'No.' I interrupted, 'Don't TJ this, TJ that, I'm going to talk and you're going to listen. I've said this a million times already. You do not give a damn about me, no matter how many times you say it, I know you don't. You know I'm struggling and yet you do nothing just to protect yourself don't you? I'm not stupid Amber, I can see what's going on here. You've offered me up as slaughter so you can be the favourite darling daughter you've always dreamed of being to them. So take your medal, take your birthday and Christmas presents that I don't get, take your title and shove it up your probably contoured ass.' And with that I slammed the door in her face in rage, resting my back against it.

There was a moment of stunned silence before there was violent banging on the wooden door, 'TJ! Let me in here! TJ!'

I rolled my eyes and went over to my desk, putting my headphones in and starting to write. The music thankfully blasting loud enough that I couldn't hear Amber's shouts so I never knew at what point she has decided to give up. My writing spoke of anger, pure hatred and rage towards my sister, resentment. Every single thing she does sickens me, takes away any good feeling I have. She's just as bad as my parents if you ask me. The table started vibrating as my eyes quickly flicked to my charging phone that was ringing. 'Cyrus💛'
My pen was dropped immediately as I almost fell of my chair trying to reach for my phone, as I pressed the pick up button, I almost dropped it, fumbling awkwardly until it was steady in my hands.

'Hey!' His cheery voice sounded through the room as I put him on speaking phone so I could write.

'Hi Underdog.' I half smiled to myself.

'What's wrong? you sound sad.'

There was a small pause whilst I tried to think of a cover story or a way to mask the truth, 'It's just...Amber.' I wondered how to phrase my situation to make it sound less bad, 'She keeps lying to me and I'm sick of it.'

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