Chapter 30: Really?

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Y'all need a break from this drama as does TJ and Cyrus so this is mainly filled with cuteness and they melt my heart I can't-
I promise Jonah isn't in the chapter but this is a picture of him because I'm pretty sure I haven't put one of him in before and for those of you who don't know what he looks like ⬆️ that's him


Cyrus was coming over to mine Monday (today) because we haven't really seen much of each other. Ok, he comes over after school most days but I still miss him alright? Today we get to spend the whole rest of the day together and I can't wait. I'm feeling a lot happier now a days because I've been meeting with a counsellor every two days, he's really nice and is definitely helping. Cyrus was right of course. I'm obviously not feeling completely ok and honestly I'm not sure I ever will, but I'm better than I was and I'll take it.

There is one thing playing on my mind though...Cyrus seems very distant and I know he's keeping something from me. Because I don't want to push him, I'm not going to ask him about it but I can't help but worry. What if he needs help? I've told him he can come to me, that's all I can do for now as I know what it's like to want to keep secrets. Although I hope his aren't the same as mine...I doubt they are. I don't expect him to tell me everything, but if he needs me I'm there.

I was sat at my desk doing some writing, something I haven't done in a while but my counsellor said it would help, when my door open and Cyrus immediately went and collapsed onto my bed. 'Ughhhhhhhhh' he sighed into the pillow.

One eyebrow raised, I dropped my pen to go sit on the bed beside him, lifting his legs so they rested on mine, 'Hard day?'

Turning onto his back and sitting up, he nodded, 'Worse than that, the worst!'

I gave him a smile, sitting beside him and pulling him into my lap so I was cradling him, 'Wanna talk about it?'

He wrapped him arms around my neck, 'Where do I even begin!? Metcalf was bothering me all day about Reed being high, trying to get me to make a statement when I've already told him a million times I wasn't there when he did it. K-...other students are annoying me per usual, Andi and Buffy are too busy talking to J-.....someone else that they're ignoring me, probably not intentionally but still. Marty is busy with track so he's off the list of tolerable people I can hang out with and worst of all I had life or death P.E!' Cyrus ranted dramatically. It was still cute.

'What's life or death P.E?' I asked, not familiar with the term.

'The lesson you have two seconds to pick a pathway that will affect you for two years. I'm too indecisive for this! Give me a day or two to weigh up the options!'

Chuckling to myself I pecked his cheek, 'Do you think you picked the right one?'

Instantly, I knew that was the wrong thing to say as Cyrus looked like he'd seen a ghost, 'What if I haven't?! I can't move! They said we can't! Oh no I'm never going to get into an Ivy League if I don't pass!'

Rubbing his back I shook my head, 'Of course you are, I know you are, just calm down. Besides, if it's really that bad then I might be able to get Mr Bag to switch you,'

Cyrus gave me the most adorable happy eyes ever, 'Really?!'

Rolling my eyes fondly, I nodded.

Kissing my lips, Cyrus beamed triumphantly, 'Well I'm definitely much calmer now then!...I'll be right back I just gotta use the bathroom,' he shuffled off of me and shrugged off his coat. As he did so, a bit of paper fluttered to the floor, catching my attention but not Cyrus' as he left the room.

Picking it up, I instinctively opened up the note without really thinking about it. After I did so I instantly regretted it as I felt as if I was going to throw up. What the fuck? My eyes skimmed over the words a few times before going over them twice slowly. This is sick. Who would this what has been bothering him? Everything clicked as I processed it. Someone is blackmailing him, making him do shit like this because they have something over him. Why wouldn't he tell me?

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