Chapter 19: Something

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(Left to right) Cyrus, Lester, TJ, Reed

Cyrus POV:

Today I was really excited. Why? Because it's Saturday, yes it's the weekend but it's also the day I get to meet TJ's friends. I really want to make a good impression and be cool but...I guess I'm not really that sort of outgoing person. Pulling on a red polo shirt with a black and blue striped inside, I put on my dark blue jeans and grabbed my light blue jacket to put over the top. I walked to the destination TJ had sent me and looked around for them, I heard the sound of engines from a distance and suddenly 3 dirt bikes came into view as I walked onto the dirt track. They were doing stunts and tricks on the hills and it all looked pretty impressive. I didn't know who they were but they must be about my age. Then I noticed one of the, the one in the red, doing a wheelie which took my breath away. When he landed he slowed to a stop and removed his helmet. To my surprise, it was TJ, he yelled, 'Cyrus! Come over here!' I smiled, my boyfriend does cool dirt bike tricks. I smiled wider, my boyfriend looks hot...also while doing cool dirt bike tricks. As soon as I got over there, the other two bikes slowed to a stop and they removed their helmets. The one on the right, in the blue, had shaggy, short blonde hair, blue eyes and a look that might imply that he's on drugs but maybe that's just my judgemental side kicking in...
The other one on the left, in green, had almost shoulder length dark brown hair and brown eyes. He also looked a little...odd but less so than the other one, god I hope TJ was joking about that whole drugs thing because if they're high...

'Cyrus!' TJ smiled, 'This is Lester,' he pointed to the one in green, 'and this is Reed,' he pointed to the one in blue.

I waved, 'Hey...'

Reed bit his lip, 'Don't worry...we don't bite,'

TJ gave him an annoyed look before turning back to me, 'Wanna give this a shot?'

I shook my head, 'No thanks, I have a fear of basically everything that's going on here,'

Reed laughed, 'TJ was are funny,'

Blushing I replied, 'Oh...I don't know-'

'Come on!' Reed encouraged, 'Say something else funny!'

I shrugged, 'My humour is mainly observational and character driven,'

He laughed again, nodding, 'That's good, that's good,'

I smiled, 'Hot crowd,'

TJ shook his head, 'Ignore them,'

Lester punched TJ's shoulder, 'Oi, we're right here,'

'Why won't you ride? You don't got a bike? Use mine man,' Reed got off his bike and pushed it over to me.

'No thanks, I'm not so good at these types of things...' I avoided their eyes, knowing I sounded like a total killjoy.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see TJ looking at me affectionately, 'Come on Underdog, you can ride on the back of mine?'

Reed sniggered, 'Alright love birds, calm down,'

TJ glared at him, 'Reed,'

Lester was in a fit of laughter

Ignoring him, Reed replied, 'Aight, let's do this!'

TJ got on his bike and then patted the space behind him for me to sit. I held onto his arm for balance before sitting down behind him. He passed me his helmet, 'here,'

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