Chapter 23: A new beginning

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Our queen CeCe

Amber POV:

Me and TJ held hands as we gazed up at the place we used to call home. A police officer was waiting for us in the car to take us to our new home after we took what we wanted from our house. I squeezed his hand and he squeezed back, telling me he was ready. I opened the door and we saw the house exactly how we had left it, it felt lonely. I left the door open and let go of his hand, 'I'm going to sort out my room,'

When I got inside I immediately felt tears fill my eyes and start to roll down my cheeks. I'm going to miss this place...but it's for the best, we're going to be happy with CeCe. I filled the black bin bag I had been given with all of my clothes from my drawers and few sentimental items I had such as a picture of me and TJ as kids and a few I had saved of us that used to be around the house until mom and dad decided to destroy them all. Suddenly, I started to sob as I remembered everything that has happened in the past few years. I feel so bad yet I also feel happy, it's all over now. I took my fairy lights and all the photos I had and put them in the bag too. After TJ had cleaned out his room too, we both went downstairs where I had my last look around, TJ understandably not wanting to come with me. Fond memories of me, TJ and our parents from our childhood flashed into my head. They soon dissolved and were replaced with the bad, reminding me why I should hate them. Walking back into the living room, TJ was waiting by the front door. Before I left, something caught my eye, there was one picture of me and my parents left on the mantelpiece. I went closer and stared at it for w little too long.

TJ came up behind me, 'Are you going to keep it?' He asked, not sounding annoyed about the idea even though I knew he would be if I did take it. But that doesn't matter because I didn't want to take it.

'No,' I sighed, 'I need to let them go,'

TJ pulled me into a hug which I appreciated because he was all I had left now...I was all he had family wise but he has Cyrus, I want a Cyrus, I want someone to depend on, someone who can love me as I am the way those two do. I'm so happy he's found someone like Cyrus. We left the house and I took one final look at the front door before joining TJ in the back of the police car.



It was like my soul had been cleansed. I never had to go back there, ever, it felt so good. All those bad memories are in the past and nothing like that is going to happen to me ever again, I can finally work on being happy with Cyrus without any problems. I can try and feel good about myself. When we got to CeCe's Andi was waiting outside on the step for us, or should I say for Amber. We took our stuff into the house, CeCe and Andi showed us our rooms.

'Amber, you'll be staying in Andi's old room,' CeCe informed her, pointing to the room I had told Cyrus I liked him in. Amber opened the door and took a look around, putting her bin bag down next to the four poster bed. CeCe then walked across the landing, 'TJ, your room is my old gym, I've already moved out the machines and replaced it with a proper bed,' she pushed open the door to reveal a room about the same size as Amber's but with dark blue walls and a grey plush carpet. It had a modern, dark brown, wooden double bed that was pushed against the left wall. It was actually nicer than I thought it would be. There was some drawers on the right side of the room and there was a dip in the wall where a desk was pushed into, matching with the bed and drawers. I grinned, I have a desk?!

'I know it's not what you're used to,' CeCe apologised, 'But we can redecorate once you're all settled in,'

I walked in and put my things in the corner of the room, 'It's great, Thanks CeCe,'

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