Chapter 29: No matter what

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Jonah on the left, Cyrus on the right

Cyrus POV:

Walking into school was the most nerve racking thing I've had to do. My throat was dry as I spotted the very last person I wanted to see by my locker again. Taking a deep breath, I made my way over to him to do what had to be done.

'Cy Guy!' Jonah grinned, 'How's it going?!'

I didn't reply at first, swapping my books before turning to him, 'Ok I guess,'

He seemed relieved I spoke to him and walked by my side as I went to class, 'What class do you have?'



There was an awkward silence which I'm sure he was about to fill when I was met with the horrified faces of my two best friends.

'Cyrus...what are you doing?' Buffy asked, clearly confused.


'You're hanging out with him?!' Andi stated, sharing the same opinion as Buffy.


'After what he did to TJ?!' Buffy shook her head at Jonah, 'Leave him alone Jonah-'

'Buffy! Andi! Stop!' I told them, making them both stop judging me and Jonah as I sighed, 'Me and Jonah are...friends,' the sentence stuck to my tongue as I was sure I was about to throw up. Really I wanted to scream at Andi and Buffy to help me and drag me away from this dickhead. But I couldn't, or she would hurt TJ. I would do anything to stop that from happening.

Jonah grinned though, 'Yeah! All is forgiven right Cy Guy?'

I nodded, really wishing I didn't have to do this.

Andi and Buffy narrowed their eyes, still not convinced.

'So we going to The Spoon after school?' Jonah asked, making my heart plummet.

'Actually Jonah, I think it should be just me, Andi and Buffy,' I admitted, not wanting him to ruin every aspect of my life, preferable ruin nothing.

His smile faded, Andi and Buffy sensing the tension, 'Well we better go but...see you at lunch,' Andi said awkwardly before her and Buffy rushed off.

Once they were out of sight, Jonah gripped my wrist harshly making the skin hurt, 'Remember what Kira said, you don't want anything to happen to TJ do you?'

Anger burned through me, 'I said I'd be your friend, I am, I didn't say I'd spend every moment of my day with you-'

'Funny How you think you can talk to me like that,' Jonah shook his head, a threatening look on his face as he tightened his grip, 'You'll do as we say or TJ gets hurt, got it?'

Biting my tongue, I nodded, finally being relieved from his hands as a red mark appeared around my wrists. Great. Anxiety washing over me, I got to my next class, grateful Jonah and Kira were no where in sight.

When lunch came around I was disappointed to find Jonah sat at our table, laughing with Andi and Buffy as normal. How could they do that?...well I guess I am too but.....I'm doing it for TJ. He wasn't here today either but...he was going to find out eventually. I sat with them and felt upset the whole time. I don't want to be with this psychopath...I want to be with my amazing, sweet, attractive boyfriend.

Forced to sit on the same side of the bench as Jonah, I noticed him move closer to me when I first sat down. His shoulder was touching mine and I wanted so badly to just run out right now. But I didn't want to cause a scene...or cause any harm to TJ. So I stayed put. I rarely spoke to anyone unless it was Jonah because I felt like I had to. The day went slow and I just wanted to leave.

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