•Llorumi• My candy

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Lloyd and Harumi are kids. AU
They are in a candy store!
Requested by: LollaGreen11

Harumi's POV

"I want a lollipop!" I say and points to a red and white lollipop. "Dad, can I get one too?" A boy asks behind me. I think he's around my age. "Sure thing Lloyd," a red haired man (probably his dad) says and grabs a lollipop. "Let's go pay for it!" After I get my lollipop as well and we walk out I can see that boy again... Hid dad have picked him up and he's sitting on his shoulder licking the lollipop. "Why don't you talk to him?" My father asks. "He seems like a nice boy." I nod and runs to him. "Hi! My name is Harumi! What's yours?" The boy looks at me with his green eyes and then he looks away. "He's just shy!" His father explains. "Lloyd, why don't you say hi?" So thats his name... "I'm Garmadon by the way!" He continues and puts back Lloyd on the ground. "Cmon, you wanna meet new friends right?" Lloyd nods and smiles shyly. "I-I'm Loyd! Nice to meet you Har...?" "Harumi!" I answer and smiles. "You like candy too right?" "It's the best thing I know! What's your favourite?" "I like gummy bears! You?" "Hmmm... Nerds-No! M&-No! I really like smarties!" Oh, those are good as well! Suddenly my dad approaches us and starts talking to Garmadon. "You have a sweet little boy there!"

"Thanks! And your daughter is very pretty!" Okay, I just feel awkward when people compliments me. "Dad! Me and Loyd are going to the playground!" I yell and points to it. "We are?" "Sure thing honey! Just be careful!" "I will!" I answer and grabs Lloyd. "This will be so much fun!" I exclaim and sits down on a swing. "Swing me!" "What?" "Swing me and I'll swing you later!" "Sure..." He says and starts swinging me. "WEEEEE! HIGHER HIGHER!" Wow! I can almost touch the sky! "Let's be friends!" I giggle. "We can do this everyday!" "Okay, it's you turn!" He says and stops the swing, we switch places and I start swinging him. "So what do you like except candy?" "Video games, Tv-series and comic books! Also, candy combined with one of them is perfect!" "I know right?" I keep on swinging him for a while before I stop the swing. So what are we gonna do now? Suddenly he gets up and started running around the playground. "Wow! You're fast!" I smile when he stops beside me. "Look what I can do!" I do a quick handstand and gives him a confident smirk.

Lloyd's POV

So she wanna compete huh? I'm just getting into it! "I know I'm stronger than you!" I tease. "You'll have to prove that!" She smirks and chances in to a fighting position. "Sorry, I don't fight gir-" OOOOFFF! Did she just pin me to the ground? Oh, she's on! I grab both her shoulders and tries to roll around, but she's like a rock! "What did you say?" She teases. I finally manage to roll her over and we both starts wrestling each other.

*ten minuets later*

Man, this girl is stronger than you think! I'm stuck under her and I can't move! "Are you two having fun?" Somebody chuckles behind us. Harumi releases her grip and turns around to see both our fathers standing with a couple of ice-cream cones in their hand. "I got your favourite flavour!" My dad says and hand me the green one. Yes! Lime! I think Harumi is eating some red berry flavour... like raspberry or something. "So do you two get along?" We both nod and smile at each other.

"I wanna do this again!" Harumi giggles. "Me too!" I give my dad my ice cream and starts praying. "Pleaseee dad!" "Cmon son! You now I can't say no to does eyes!" He chuckles and pats my head. "Of course you'll see her again!" " We actually live on the top floor of that apartment!" Her father says and points to a GIANT building. "Wow! The view must be AMAZING!" "It is!" she nods. "I can almost see the whole city from up there!" Oh I wanna see! "Wait until next time you meet! Son!" My dad interrupts as if he had read my mind. "We need to go home before Mom starts worrying about us!" "Tell me you got their phone number!" I plead. "Of course!" He says and picks up his phone. "Cmon now boy!" He says and grabs my arm. "Wait!" Harumi calls and runs up to us with a few gummy bears in her hand. "Is a tradition for me! Every time I make a new friend I share my favourite candy with them! She hands me the gummy bears and now I feel guilt... I wanna give her something too! I know! I snatch my lollipop out of my fathers hands. (He's been holding it since she ran away with me). I smile and hand her the lollipop. "Keep it until we meet again!" I smile. "And don't you DARE eat it! I've already locked it several times!" "Don't worry I won't!" She giggles. "I'll keep this like my dearest treasure!" She's about to walk away before she turns back. "Oh! One more thing!" She leans closer to me and... pecks my cheek. She rushes back to her father, waving back at us.

"Dad?" I ask. "Yes son?" "When can I meet her again?" He picks me up and carries me on the way back. "You'll meet her again son! I promise!" He chuckles a bit. "Wasn't she sweet?" "Yes," I mumble. "Very sweet... Just like candy!"

(A/N Sorry again if it's bad, i tried to think of what could've happened if the meet as kids and the whole thing with Garmadon didn't happen. Also... I'm out of requests... HELP ME!)

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