•Invisibleice• I-I

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I have nothing to say so let's jump into it!
Requested by: SammyJSMarksoles
Pale has a crush on Zane

Pale's POV

"Cmon Pale! Get your ass out there and tell him!" Tox groans and pushes my back. "Tox, NO!" "Didn't we have this discussion a few minuets ago?" She sighs and continues pushing me. "The worst that can happen is if he rejects you!" "But then I'll have to buy ten boxes of ice cream!" "Ugh! Listen! If that happens, I'll pay for the ice cream!" "Deal!" I say and walks out, Seeing him standing in the garden watering the flowers. Wow! His titanium body is shining in the sunlight! "Hello there Pale! Is there something I can help you with?" "I-I uhh..." Shit! Shit! Shit! "Uhm... It's nothing! BYE!" When I walk back to Tox who saw everything she slaps me... SLAPS! "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" "ARE YOU FREAKING SERIUS? JUST TELL HIM!" "I CAN'T TELL HIM! WASN'T HARD FOR YOU TO CONFESS?" "Actually Camille was the one who confessed to me..." "EASY FOR YOU THEN!" "MY RELATION SHIP ISN'T IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW! IF YOU DON'T CONFESS NOW THEN YOU CAN FORGET THE ICE CREAM!" Then she pushes me out again and calls for Zane. "Zane! Pale has something he wants tell y-OW!" I kick her leg before she finishes the sentence. "I can tell him myself!" "Sure thing Mr. I need to buy ten boxes of ice cream!" "IT'S MR. PALE!" I yell. "And I will need them if he rejects me?" "What are you two talking about?" Zane asks and walks up to us. Shit! Shit! Shit! "Ehhh... NOTHING!" "Pale, your heartbeat is increasing... what's wrong?" "I-I REALLY LIKE YOU!" Then I use my powers to disappear.

Zane's POV

He likes me? "As a friend I suppose?" I ask "No Zane, the romantic way!" Tox sighs. "Go talk to him and save my wallet! You'll find him!" What did she mean by that? I just nod and scans the area, searching for him. Soon I find him walking around in circles in the garden. "What was I thinking?" He mumbles. "I should've prepared myself better! Now he will never return my feelings!" "Pale..." "What? Zane! Listen, I'm sorry! That just flew out of me but I've had a crush on you since the tournament and I thought this meet up was my chance! But I understand if you don't feel the same way and I'll just go-" I grab his arm before he gets the chance to walk away and look him deep in the eyes. (I know I'm doing it even tho I can't see them shush!) "Pale... I-I" What's happening to me? "W-Why Do you have a crush on me?" "Well, your the smartest and like the nicest one of the ninjas, you almost always know what to do in dangerous situation and... I THINK YOU'RE AMAZING OKAY?" Then he pulls me closer and presses his lips against mine. "You know..." I can feel some of my processors overheating a little. "I'm not mad about the kiss if you think so," I quickly reassure him. "And you know that you're not so bad either! You'd make a perfect spy!" "Hehe... I actually worked with that before the tournament," he explains. "but I quit cause it wasn't exciting anymore after the tournament." "If you want something exciting then you should try to live as a ninja for a day," I joke. Jay taught me. "That's pretty exciting!" "I can visit your home someday?" He suggests. "I mean... if that's okay with you?" I kiss him in response before asking. "Will you be my boyfriend?" "I-I would LOVE that!" I smile and kiss him again. "So... how about I introduce you to my brothers next week?" "But they already know who I am!" "But they probably wanna know more about you! I do!" We're about to kiss each other again when Tox jumps out of a bush behind us. "YAY! MY WALLET IS SAVED!" she cheers and holds up her phone. "I'm sending a picture to Shade and Camille just so you know!" "GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE NOW!" Pale yells and crouches down to a fighting position. "How about... hmmmmm... NO!" She teases and runs away.

"I swear! If she sends a picture to the others I'm gonna kill her with her own poison!" He groans. I know that a master of poison is immune to it but I don't say anything... Am I enjoying seeing him mad? "By the way Pale?" I ask. "Yes, What is it?" He answers. "What did Tox mean when she said that her money was saved?" "Ehh........"

(A/N Sorry this was shorter, I just ran out of ideas!)

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