•Smokeshade• Baby brother!

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This is a brothership story!
Shade's parents are adopting Ash from an orphanage
Shade's four years old and Ash is eighteen months old
This is mature and I'm not responsible for ruining your innocence!

Shade's POV

"Daddy!" I say and grabs his leg. "When your you going to get my brother?" "This afternoon!" he answers. "You know we'll get him from the orphanage!" "Did you get me from an orphanage too?" "No Shade, we had a fun time!" "Fun time?" I ask. "What do you mean with a fun time?" "Son, when a daddy and a mommy love each other very much they both take off all of their clothes and lay down next to each other in a bed! Then the daddy takes... you know the thing he has between his legs and puts it inside the mommy's... It's called vagina Shade. And when that happens the daddy realises something called sperms! They meet up with an egg inside the mommy's belly! And after nine months a baby comes out of the mommy's vagina!" What did daddy say? DO I HAVE TO SLEEP NAKED WITH A GIRL! "MOOOMMMMYYYY!" I yell and run up to her. "I DON'T WANT TO HAVE A FUN TIME!" "Why not? You will have such a good time meeting your new brother!" "BUT I DON'T WANT TO SLEEP WITH A GIRL!" "Wait what?" "DADDY SAID THAT YOU TWO SLEPT WITH EACH OTHER NAKED TO HAVE MEEEE!" I feel her picking me up and kisses my forehead. "Shade my darling, you're way too young to do that! You'll understand when you're older! It isn't that scary!"

Selena's POV

I swear when I'll get my hands on my husband I'll... WHY WOULD HE TELL THAT STORY TO A FOUR YEAR OLD? "Jack if you weren't the father of my son I'd kill you you know!" I growl. "What did you expect me to tell him?" "Well... you could've told him that they were made from... factories!" "Factories? Really?" "Better than telling him the truth!" I pick up my son again and put him in the car next to the baby chair. I got him to calm down after a while and he fell asleep in my arms. "I hope he doesn't get a childhood trauma because of you!" I get into the driver seat and start driving to the orphanage. "He'll understand when he gets older!" I roll my eyes and put on the radio. "You better not tell our other child the same thing!" "Yeah about that..." "What?" "I... promised him that we would adopt a boy!" I almost drive off the road. "Why!?" "Cause he told me about this activity they were going to have in kindergarten! Everyone would bring their siblings and he said he really wanted a brother to play with!" "But WHY didn't you tell him that he could play with a sister too?" "I... didn't think that far!" "No, you don't think that much at all!" I sigh. "But I love you, or else I would've never married you!" I park our car and gently shakes my son awake. "Mommy?" he yawns. "Wh-where are we?" "The orphanage!" I answer. "We're going to get your sibling!" "I want a brother!" "We'll see!" I smile.

Jack's POV

We walk into the orphanage and my wife immediately walks up to the receptionist while I'm holding my son's hand. "Okay! We can start meeting the children now!" Selena smiles and walks into a room. I follow her and see a lot of toddlers playing with each other. "Oh, Jack... how are we supposed to choose?" I sigh. Then Shade lets go of my hand and runs up to a little boy sitting in a corner, sucking on a pacifier. "Why aren't you playing?" he asks. "Oh that's Ash!" someone says as she walks in. "We found him outside the building, He was only a few weeks old! He already had that pacifier and someone left a letter where they asked that we should name him Ash!" "How old is he?" "He's eighteen months old! He's very shy and doesn't like to play with the others!" "Daddy? Mommy? Can we take him? Pleaseee can we take him?" "Shade... we haven't even met up with a quarter of all the children here!" Then... Ash crawls up to Shade and puts both his hands on his cheeks. "Pleaaaaaaaassseeee? I promise I'll play with him!" "Okay! You can stay here with Ash and we'll go and sign the papers!" Selena smiles and walks out of the room. "Do you think it's smart to leave Shade alone?" "I know he'll be busy with his new brother!"


Shade's POV

"Do you want my teddy bear?" I ask and hand my teddy bear to my NEW baby brother. "Gwo!" he answers and takes my teddy bear. Daddy and mommy took his binky so they could wash it and feed him later. "What do you lika bananas or apples?" When I was little, mommy and daddy always fed me mashed bananas or apples! Personally, I prefer apples! They're so yummy! Especially if you but cinnamon powder over! Suddenly my brother crawls across the room and takes a small duck that I usually have when I bath in our bathtub. Then he puts it in his mouth. "Brother! That's not food!" I say and take the duck from him. Then... his lips start trembling and a few tears roll down his cheeks. "No no no!" I say and hug him. "Don't be sad! Mommy and daddy will give you your binky back!" "Winky?" "Binky!" I correct him. "Ash we got your pacifier!" Mommy sais as she walks in. Giving my brother his... "Mommy? Isn't it called binky?" I ask. "It has different names!" she explains. "Daddy and I call it pacifier!" I look at my brother as he starts sucking on it. Then mommy picks him up and carries him to the kitchen and I follow her. "Wanna help me mash up some bananas for your brother?" "YES!" I run into the kitchen and grab a banana from our fruit bowl. I let daddy peel it and then I mash it up with a fork. I grab a spoon and start feeding my brother. "Shade... we're supposed to feed him!" "Gwo!" "Let him have fun!" Mommy says. "I love you, baby brother!" I smile. "I love you so much!"

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