•Invisibleice• Sharing bed?

344 3 4

High school AU
Requested by: SammyJSMarksoles
Zane is helping Pale (his boyfriend) with his homework.
And yes! Zane is a human and they have powers!

Pale's POV

"What was it again?" I ask, burying my face in my arms. We've been working on this since after dinner and it's almost bedtime. Good thing Zane wanted to stay so long, he might even sleep here, my parents love him so it won't be a problem. "The answer is on this page," Zane answers. "so just write it down in your own worlds and then we only have three left!" "Great!" I mumble and reads the next question, urgh! How are we supposed to use this crap when we're adults? "Okay, I think I know the answer myself!" I smile and writes it down. "How did you finish your homework so fast?" "I'm good at researching I guess," Zabe shrugs. "also... I think I listen more to the teacher than you to be honest..." "And you have ice powers you can use so you don't get tired!" I yawn and then I can feel that my room is starting to get cold. "Less tired now?" Zane teases and creates frost on my chair. "Z-Zane s-stop!" I shiver, it's getting really REALLY cold! "I'm wide awake!" "Good! Now finish the last two and it's over!" I quickly write down the last two answers, the last questions were very easy and well... I don't care if I made a small error! I close my book and walks to the bathroom to take a WARM shower after all the chills Zane gave me.

*timeskippy (Aka Pale showering and putting on his pajamas)*

I walk out of the bathroom to see that Zane is also wearing pajamas. "I just texted my dad and he said I could stay over the night," he explains. "that's okay right?" "Of course Milky!" A little information! I'm calling him that cause one, he loves milk! Two, he's always dressed in white and he has white hair... NO FURTHER QUESTIONS! AND I'M NOT RACIST! "Elijah! Do you want something before bed?" my mom calls from downstairs. "No thanks, mom! I'll be fine!" I answer. "May I ask a question?" "Sure?" "Your name is Elijah, yet you prefer to be called Pale... Why?" "Because I don't like it," I answer simply. "but my parents don't know so shh!" I don't know why I don't like my name... It just feels weird saying it El-ij-ah? That's just wrong! Pale fits me perfectly, or Paleman! "Have you ever been thinking about your name?" Zane shakes his head and takes out a toothbrush and toothpaste from his bag. "I'm perfectly happy with my name! Now let's go brush our teeth so we can go to bed before the morning!" I follow him into the bathroom and takes my toothbrush and toothpaste from the shelf. After we brushed our teeth and walk back to my room I realize that... I only have one bed in my room. "Uhh... We have a guest room!" I suggest and blushes. "Why make it so complicated?" Zane frowns. "We could sleep in the same bed?" WHAT? NONONO! Listen! It's not like I don't WANT to but... One, we're fifteen! Two, I don't think our parents are gonna like it! "It's alright!" Zane smiles as if he read my mind. "Just set your alarm before your parents wake up and NO one will notice!" "But what if they ask about it?" "I'll just say I slept on the floor!"

Zane's POV

"Zane! My parents know that I would never let you sleep on the floor!" Pale protests. "I'll say that I insisted! Cmon I'm tired!" I say and lays down in his bed. "If want to be so stubborn then why don't you sleep on the floor?" Then I can feel him laying down beside me. "Who said I was the one laying on the floor?" he mumbles. "But if my parents find out, I'm blaming you!" "Don't worry! They won't!" I chuckle and wraps my arms around him and we kiss. "Goodnight Milky!" he teases, so I tease him back! "Goodnight Elijah!" "Tsk!" Hehe... I can feel him snuggling closer to me and then we both fall asleep.

*Two hours later*

Pale's mom's POV (I don't know a good name for her!)

I walk up the stairs to say goodnight to my son and his boyfriend, Zane is such a sweet boy! I silently knock on his door but he doesn't respond, I guess he's already sleeping... I open the door and tiptoes to his bed to see... him snuggling with his boyfriend! THIS IS JUST TO CUTE! My son is finally growing up! I know I shouldn't tell my husband about because he'll probably start saying things like he's too young and stuff... BUT I NEED TO SAVE THIS! I rush out of the room and grabs my phone when my husband walks by. "What are you doing honey?" he asks. "I just need to take a picture!" I answer quickly and rushes back. I sneak into his room again and takes a quick picture. If my son and Zane marry each other when they become adults I'm gonna show this picture to EVERYONE at the wedding! "Sleep well Elijah," I whisper and strokes my hand thru his hair for a second. "hope you and Zane will make it thru high school!" I walk out and closes the door behind me, I really hope my husband doesn't sneak into his room as well!

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